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Dj and I had a good time shopping today. We got a lot of stuff for loyal, Jayden's going away gift, and Dj got a lot of clothes and toys just for being good.

I pulled up to Domo's house and open the door taking all of Dj's bags to his room and then getting a sleeping Dj and putting him on the couch

I go upstairs to Domo who was in his office

"Can you get Dj and bring him up the stairs?"

"I am busy at the moment." He said typing

"Domonique can you get your son off the couch and walk him up the stairs to a bed " I yelled

"you do it any other time I tell you not to" he said plainly

I really feel like he playing with me. I quickly shut the door and storm to the desk and unplug the desktop

"I don't know what your problem is Dominique but let me tell you something. I have been out all damn day in the fucking heat shopping for not only my son but yours too. I just did 3 trips to Dj's room and I know you saw me. And all I was for you to go get your damn child from the couch. You're really mad because your people got they ass whooped? Not once did you ask me why or what happened, you automatically just turned on me" I tell at him while he look at me crazy

"Why every time you are around my family it's problem? First, it was goddaughter's party, now yesterday? I was in the middle of something very important and because you don't understand the term wait, you think it's okay to unplug my shit" he yelled back

"Renny's party was completely my fault. That was my baggage and I have repeatedly apologized to everybody for that shit and I'm done. Yesterday your aunty was on some bullshit and your cousins wanted to get rowdy. But fuck you, Dominique, I'm done. I thought you of all people knew me better than that" I leave outta his office and go home

June 15

Today was Jayden's going away party and Jayda was super sad because she only had a week left with her Twin especially since the doctor advised her not to travel anymore so she can't take him to school anymore. This was the first day that Jayda has been outside since she was put in bed rest . She was officially 8 months pregnant to be honest she didn't believe that she would be going full term. She's been having pretty painful false contractions

Jayda pulled into her family's gated community and into the driveway. Before she could even cut the engine her siblings were storming her car with her twin in the front

Soon as she opened the door her brother picked her up out of the car and cheered

"Twiiinnnnnnn" Jaden yelled as Jayda held on to his kneck for dear life

"Puuuttt me down Jadennn"

Jaden put her down and started rubbing his arms "Damn sis nephew done added some pounds to you"

Jayda laughed as her brothers and sisters dragged her in the house

Jayda and her siblings have always had a great relationship especially since she practically raised them herself.

Jaden was the oldest by 5 minutes but Jayda was always more mature and acted older than him.

Janelle their mother, threw herself into her job after Dad passed away in the Marines 8 years ago, leaving the twins to care for their younger siblings. Then in 7th grade, Jaden discovered football and that left Jayda. She was never allowed to do the things normal people were doing she always had to stay at home and care for the kids, she even made a little business out of it, and that's how she was able to afford her car.

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