18-year-old Diamond's life came to a startling halt when the night before her 18th birthday, her mother found out that she was pregnant. After her mother kicked her out she had no other option but to move in with her cousin in the East end of St. Lu...
He's good. Three months now. When are you going to see your son?
Ive been busy with school and stuff but i been getting all of the pictures and shit you been sending. Thanks
MMhm i guess
Well I was calling because I want yall to start coming to Sunday dinners at my parents' house
Ummmm it's def a no for me to go to every Sunday dinner. And you need to see your son more before i will be comfortable with you taking him by yourself. But I will bring him today
Im not in the mood to argue with you so im gon let all that other shit slide and say ill see you later
Before i could say anything else he hung up in my face.
I got up and walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth while Domo was in the shower
"Bae Kevin called me to come to Sunday dinner tonight. They don't make an effort to see him so I'm definitely not going to send him alone but i don't wanna go so we not gon stay long. Plus he is already being rude as hell so I know this ain't gon go well" I told him as I started brushing my teeth
"Well, it sounds like you already agreed to go so just try for LA. That's still his family and shit but if they make you feel a way leave. Honestly, i say fuck them. If they ain't tryna build shi with him, he dont need they ass. I can't have much of an opinion though frfr mamas. I missed the first year of Dj's life and three months with both of them. Being away from the boys for as long as I have killed me and ion ever wanna do it again. They missed three months already he needs to get his shit together before Loyal can remember shit. I can't imagine not having a relationship with DJ at all"
I spit the toothpaste out "People might say I'm tripping cause he's so young but I don't want him to think it's okay to be in and out of Loyal's life. I feel like if I allow it now then it'll just be a never ending cycle and i dont want that for Loyal at all. He deserves a father, so I be trying to keep Kevin in the loop and encourage him to come see him but he's so damn disrespectful and his mother is too. I dont need that and Loyal doesnt need that "
He turned the shower off and i passed him the towl as he stepped out. "Listen i get you only want whats best for Loyal but understand that you matter too. One of the biggest things that you have taught me about parenting is that they cant give a damn about ya son if they continue to disrespect you. Before you me and mines couldnt even be in the same room now we making progress. The thought of her doesnt piss me off to the core"
He came and kissed me on the head before going to get dressed
"Ayesha picked Dj up this morning and my moms bout to drop off Loyal. I gotta be at the trap and my businesses and shit since you goiing over there."
"Okay im going to cook for us before i leave because they cant cook and i refuse to be sick for them" I told him as i picked out me and Loyal an outfit for today and begin cleaning up
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