6. Feel It In The Air

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Open your eyes under the sour blue sky
The pouring sun makes you dizzy
Out of breath
I can feel it

   Joohyun was ecstatic today. Time spent with Taehyung was therapeutic to her. Her mind had been in a mess ever since she realized what predicament she would be in if she happened to cross paths with-

'No. Let's not think about that.'

She shook her head. Looking around, she moved silently to her next class, having an inner debate with herself.


Its okay
Even though my grief is gone
With a black cloud
Even though I lie in endless dreams
Crumpled to the limit
The wings are torn
Even if I'm not myself someday
It's okay
I'm the only one who can save me
He walks badly and never dies
How about you?
My sky is clear
All the pain
Take care

  He watched as she performed perfectly.

  As she charmed everyone with her speech.

  As she sang in the hypnotizing unique voice only she could acquire.

As she dance fluidly and effortlessly to the beat of the music.

As she spat fire in her words, pronouncing numerous syllables at an animalistic speed and still making sense.

  As she smiled in genuine thanks at the roaring audience.

Only she could do all this and still be humble.

  And only she could forgive him for what he did. No one in their right mind would. But she did, she left him alone. And now he was greedy. Wanting more, but getting nothing.

  He wasn't here to save her.

  He was here to ruin her.


My cold heart
I forgot how to call you
It's okay not to be lonely
The dark night
You shake in a sleeping dream
It's okay not be afraid

Jennie shuddered in fear everytime she looked at Joohyun. The look on her face was deadlier than that of a psychotic serial killer.

  Her eyes were glazed and dark, narrowed in glare. Her mouth shut, jaw clenched, long, thin, dark locks hovered over her crystalline orbs. Her face was calm. Too calm. It made her sick.
  Chaeyong seemed to notice her discomfort and tapped Jisoo. The elder female notified them to leave her alone and wait till that expression left her face.

  After a few minutes of silence, the angered female let a frustrated sign. Carefully, Chaeyong asked.

"What's wrong?"

  She groaned. "I can't think straight. He's annoying me."

  Lisa snickered. "I told you to do something about it." Lisa noticed her smile. What she didn't noticed was the slight twitch in it.

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