2. Keepin' Me Comin' Back To Back

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Kim Taehyung couldn't stand himself anymore. That didn't even make sense. All day he has been looking for her in the crowds. When he saw her, his heart did a back flip in his chest, as cringey as it sounds, it did happen.

His friends teased him relentlessly for openly ogling at her whenever she came to view. He couldn't help it, she was gorgeous.

He daydreamed that she confessed to him, kissing him immediately after that. He almost cried when he snapped out of his reverie.


Joohyun furrowed her eyebrows in thought. She was with her group in their private studios. Groaning, she drew back into the black recliner.

'Ah. Perks of being a star student.'

She smiled wryly, remembering what she would have been doing at this time two years ago. Signing, she turned over to see Jisoo staring questionably at her. She raised an eyebrow and the older female shook her head at her. Jisoo knew better than asking again. It was like talking to a wall. A gorgeous, talented, almost bipolar wall. But nevertheless, a wall.


Jungkook snickered at the dazed look on Taehyung's face. He accidentally came across Kim Joohyun's Instagram account and ever since, his whole body has been glued to his phone. Heck, he has been in one position for over thirty minutes, which was not like him at all.

Jin stared at his frozen friend amused. A week ago, he was saying she was just another girl and now, he was simpering over here photos. He noticed that he hasn't moved, so he decided to free his friend from his crush induced trance. He grabbed the phone from his dazed friend and looked at the photo.

Taehyung yelled. "Hey!" Jin gave no response. Scrowling, he got up to snatch his phone, only to see Jin frozen, mouth wide open.

Confused, he moved closer to see what his friend was staring at and froze along with him. Jimin raised an eyebrow at them and stood up to see, mirroring their actions afterwards.

One by one each of the remaining four joined them. Soon, seven awestruck guys stood, staring at Taehyung's phone. The phone dimmed, turning off because of lack of activity. At that, Namjoon released a sign.

"Damn. I did not see that coming."

Yoongi nodded in agreement, not trusting himself to speak. Hoseok and Jimin collapsed on the couch, followed by Jungkook and Jin.

Taehyung smiled dreamily, staring at the picture again. "I found a new wallpaper."


Spirit of Marilyn callin' me, audibly
Ballin' she told me she will never leave,
Continue to torture me
Tellin' me to come with her Underneath my comforter
Then she brought a gun with her
Pills and some rum with her
Took me to the balcony
Tellin' me to jump with her
Yeah, I'm into ghosts
But I ain't doin' stunts with her
I ain't tryna be that
Haters wanna see that
Cuz I got them aggy
And I win the game like Gabby

Taehyung couldn't stop himself from cheering this time. She was mind blowing. At this point, it was obvious that they were in Music class. And yes , KJ was rapping.

Dear God
If you hear, God
Make the fire disappear when they see it, God
Take away my fear when they in the field, God
Do you fear God?
Cuz I fear God
And in my backyard, that's a deer, God
And there's a horse ranch
And to my core fans
Keep reppin' me, do it to the death of me
X on the box, cuz ain't nobody checkin' me

Again, the class erupted in cheers.

Yoongi laughed and looked at Namjoon and Hoseok. "I think we have competition."

The two rappers laughed in agreement. She was too good to be true.

"Damn." Namjoon laughed. "This gives Taehyung another reason to love her."


Taehyung was in the library, looking for a new book to read. He moved from shelf to shelf, looking for the one with new books. Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder. A sniff of natural feminine perfume entered his nostrils. He mentally rolled his eyes, not in the mood to deal with another confession. Sighing in his head, he turned around, ready to be passive aggressive until he set his eyes on a rather tall familiar figure.

"Sorry." Her silky voice rang in a sweet whisper. "I figured you are looking for new books, right?"

He nodded, dazed. She smiled slightly. "It's over there, that last shelf at the left corner of the library."

With that she left the library. He stared at her as she left. He smiled before going to get a new book.


Days later, Taehyung found himself going to the library more often. Sometimes, his legs would just wander there, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Sometimes he saw her, other times he didn't. Today was one of those other times. He sighed, mildly disappointed. Shaking, his head, he moved to his last class of the day.

'She got a way of makin' me comin' back to back.'

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