Prologue/Mischief Monday

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October 17, 2013
10:22 P.M.

You're sitting in a chair in the middle of the hospital lobby staring down at your nintendo 3ds with your earphones in.

The rough plastic from the game console in your soft hands, sweat of nervousness making the plastic wet in your hands.

Your eyes are fixed on the small screen as you play a fighting game. You aren't playing to win or lose, but just to pass time and keep yourself calm. The more you think about it, the more your mind starts to wander.

The earphones muted any sound from the hospital lobby. It's quiet except for the hum of computers and the occasional coughing patients.

You look up at the clock on the wall, which reads 10:22 pm. The receptionist is still gone, and there hasn't been any sign of her coming back.

You were kinda happy you brought it with you, being afraid you'd just have to sit in silence doing nothing. But now that you're here by yourself, it feels weird without someone else around.

You know that your mom and grandparents are in one of the hospital rooms, but you're the only one in the lobby.

Was it a good time to be playing video games? Sure you could do some reading or something but this was probably the only thing to keep your thoughts off of the situation at hand.

No, not at all it wasn't a good time for playing video games but you needed to take your mind off what was happening. You didn't want to believe it.

Jesus, you hated the hospital. Going to the hospital when your sick was abhorrent.

You hated everything about hospitals.

The dim look to it, The omnipresent smell of antiseptic a little bitter, with undertones of the artificial fragrance contained in soaps and cleaners, the constant ringing of phones, the sad people who were sick or hurt, the never ending waiting, the endless commercials trying to sell you something.

Everything made you feel depressed.

You can't believe that your own dad is dying.

Sure, everyone knew he was sick but...why? Why couldn't they fix him? What did he ever do to deserve dying like this?

Y/N: "He's going to die." You whispered.

As soon as the words leave your lips you realize how stupid they sound, but they were true.

Your father was the best person in the entire world, so why him?

Why couldn't he live forever?

There were plenty of bad people in the world so why?

You wanted to be mad at God, but you didn't know if he was even real anymore.

Why would he let an innocent man suffer like this?

Tears began to well up in your eyes and you quickly wiped them away.

You feel a hand on your shoulder as you look up to see your mother.

You take off your earphones to hear her.

She had tears in her eyes.

Grace: "I'm sorry son. I know it's hard but we have to stay strong. We have to be brave. He needs us right now."

You wipe your face with the sleeve of your hoodie before nodding.

Grace: "Let's go say goodbye to your father..."

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