Are we dating?

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"I know that whatever words you said meant I love you" Alex said for the 10th time in past 3 months. 'Noo they didn't', in my defense I lied.

Its January 7th and Alex and Charlie are fighting like fucking dogs, currently we were cycling me Alex, Nate, Malyshka and Charlie. As pathetic as it sounds they were fighting over who has longer legs as if they were Victoria secrets famous models. Typical boys, as the time passed they bought everything in their fight including the time where Alex paid for Charlie's food, and the time where a
Alex punched Charlie for flirting with his crush. Alex and Charlie both lived in the same apartment and we were standing under it. Malyshka left 5 mins ago saying she can't handle them anymore. So It was me and Nate, as both the tenants were fighting inside Alex's house.

'Do you wanna maybe get outa here'. I asked Nate he didn't look at me but said a lil fuck yeah.

We were randomly biking and he suddenly broke the silence and said "I know what you said te quiero it meant I love you, I searched it". Fuckkkk is it a bad time to ask God to be deaf or be mute. With gathering as much as courage I could I slowly nodded my head and said 'ya, it did, but you searched it the next day and you made your granny lied about not being home I heard youu.' He slowly chuckled and said "ya I did". I knew I wasn't wrong, kinda proud of my overthinking skills...

What do I say now? Why are my hands sweating in this cold? Why am I feeling so nervous out of no where....?

"Sooo, what do we do now‽"  he asked!

'Ummm depends..' I shakily replied.

"Depends on what"  he spoke

'On what do you think or say I guess?' I said

"You tell me what do you think?" he asked again but with the hint of nervousness in his voice.

'I mean I am good with it I like you and all, but what about you' I asked but I am the one nervous now.

"Ya I don't mind either I also kinda like you I've always been since 2nd grade" and that sentence of his unlock a whole zoo in my tummy.

'Ok I guess' I was too stunned to speak.

Wait does that mean I have a boyfriend? Is he my boyfriend?

"Listen do not ever tell anyone about us like ever ok?" He said with stern look. I nodded my head and giggled, cause it's usually the girl asking to keep it a secret but in our case it's opposite, just like everything.

'You know my cousin Haley right' I asked, "ya I do." 'I told her before asking you out I asked her what should I do and she's the one who encouraged me, she also said that you just pretended that you hated me because then no-one would know about your true feelings!' I said awkwardly. When I looked at him from the road he was staring at me with an unknown emotion in his eyes?

"Ya I did pretended she was right I could never hate you." He said
Is it hot in here is he hot or is he hot because I could feel myself blush which is totally ridiculous, cause I never blush!!!

'Sooo are we dating then?' I asked, idk why I was feeling all sweaty in January and oh lord I was feelings shit ton of butterflies in my stomach.

"Idk why I am sweating" he slowly muttered.
'Omg mee too' I said.

"I think we should get going it's getting late" Nate said.
'Ya we should I guess' but I wanted to spend more time with him...

When we were about to reach our lane when he said

"Te quiero"
"Te quiero" he repeated but a little louder.


'oh 2'
I said not knowing what is I love you too pronounced in spanish.

We both went to our houses. Only God knows how happy I was. Idk why it felt like I am on 7th sky. Like I am high on happiness for the first time. I slept happy, so happy that night.

Currently I was talking to my best friend Ella. 'You know what happened last night' I slowly asked her she went silent for a minute and then asked what?.

I told her all about my beautiful encounter with Nate.

"Did you get butterflies? While you were with him?"Ella excitedly asked.

'Yaa I did get like an unhealthy amount of butterflies.' I spoke.

"Ahhhhhhhhh omg omg woww we gonna call him butterfly now as he gives you butterflies" She screamed on the phone making me cringe because of her loud sound.

'Ya ya we will let's call him butterfly it will be his code name ' I said.

We talk about some random shit and then we both hung up. Oh shit it's cristys lil sister's birthday and she invited me I better get ready.

We were all at cristy's house  me, Nate, Malyshka, Alex, Charlie, cristy, her brother and a handful kids who were cristys lil sister's friends.

Nate was standing in a corner I decided to join him, as I went and stand next to him he looked at me and left me alone and went and stand next to Alex. Umm what's wrong with him. He was literally the sweetest till yesterday?

We were all giving our Gifts to the bday girl after the cake cutting. Then a question popped in my head why didn't he replied to my question about us dating? Are we dating or.... I need to ask him

I again went to stand near him we had a lil eye contact and then I saw everyone looking at us with smirking faces then he said " don't come near me no one should suspect anything don't be soo clingy alright."

He's so mean I love him.

1017 words

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