Give it a shot

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It was another boring night of mid October, and I was hungry asf. So I decided that maybe I should go and get something to eat, I went downstairs in my kitchen and decided to microwave the left overs, while there was a couple of minutes left in heating I decided to have a peek outside of window just to find Nate playing badminton with his dad. Wait what time is it, I checked the clock to find it was 11.58p.m. The fuck who plays badminton at  almost midnight? But we are talking about Nate the guy is just so unpredictable. I rememberd the time when I was in 4th grade and I  started going to badminton classes after few days Nate also joined them but we didn't talk there as expected. Didn't even used to share a smile, but who cares because I got sick of playing and decided to quit it. But Nate he continued going, and I can tell by the way he moves he's very good with it. How his arms stretch when he jumps to hit the shuttle, how he's so concentrated on the conical shaped object, how he's so focused on his opponents moves, how he flex his wrist after every shot, how he gets frustrated if he misses any shot. Not gonna lie he looks kinda hot. I mean shit I forget we used to like each other but that was like what an eternity ago. But I can try again because I never realised underneath of all the bickering and insults I have always liked him and maybe he might feel same or maybe not but there's no harm in trying I guess.

I mean I have seen it in Netflix don't they just go around and asks their crushes out? Wait, what do I- do I have a crush on him? Crush on the guy who is practically my enemy! Binging so many romance series is taking a toll on my mental health. I need to talk to m- my thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the beeping of microwave remaining me of my heated food. I carefully took out the pastas bowl and went to my room making a mental note to ask her.

Next evening, I somehow managed to go to my cousins house. We used to be very close. Used to share everything with each other. But then she moved out and we got busy in our day to day
Life but since lockdown we started talking to work on my bonding she is the single person in my family who understands me. Right now I am sitting in her living room and she's making coffee for us.

"So what is it that was so important that you run to me without a mask." Oh shit I totally forget to put on my mask before leaving I was in such hurry, have been waiting whole day to come here. 'What stop looking at me like that'. She was giving me like a really creepy smirk that says she knows why I am here. " I ain't no telepath Stella u have to tell me what is it." She said 'I um I think IlikeNate' I hurriedly blurt.
"YOU WHAT" She said with her jaw on floor
'Yeah I realized it last night' i said awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.
"I totally didn't saw it coming like u guys hate each other"
'Neither did i' I silently muttered ' what if he also don't hate me and he just don't want anyone to know about his feelings for me'. I  said out loud. Ofc she was aware of his what can I say ex feelings about him? Whatever but she knew he proposed me.
"Maybe that can be a possibility?" She said lost in her thoughts.
'Sooo what do you think I should do?' She looked at me in eye with  and said "I think you should give it a shot" 'ya like thats what I am thinking you know to give us a shot and what's the harm in it' little did I know

'Soo how do you think I should ask him' I asked
"Just tell him how you feel." She said nonchalantly
'Seriously you think that was going to help?' 
"I guess" for real do she really thinks that I can just go and tell him  that hey Nate I think I have a crush on you and I really love you will you be my boyfriend? Eww I internally cringe so hard on that thought no way I am telling that i need to find a plan.

It was almost midnight and I couldn't sleep I have been tossing and turning for approximately an hour. Just the thought that how can I ask him out was stuck in my head like an annoying melody, no matter how hard I tried to think about anything else the bothersome question keeps popping in my head. Just when I was about to give up an absolutely amazing idea appeared in my mind. Omg, I am a genius, I am so doing this.

Next evening after gathering shit ton of courage I took my cycle out of my garage and head straight for his house.
'Nateeeeeee' what  he didn't listen in two times so I had to scream.

After patiently waiting for 7 minutes which awfully seems like 7 decades he came out and asked what. HE ASKED WHAT, the fuck man a girl is waiting for you from past 7 minutes and you don't even say a freaking hii. Anyway by taking a deep breath and calming myself I asked 'you coming for cycling.' He hesitate for a minute then said "no I can't today I have got work" ok then he turned around and started going back inside bitch.
'Hey wait'
He turned around and raised an eyebrows.
'Can you-


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You'll have to wait for next chapter for Stella's idea

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