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I often think what went wrong between us?
It was another boring day of lock down, though that doesn't stop me and my friends from cycling. I was cycling with Alex, Tyler, Malyshka and Nate. Nate the guy who once used to be my best friend, the one whom I shared everything with, whom I used to think will always be my side but I couldn't be any wrong. Because everything between us ended Because of that day, because of that confession..........


"Stella, I love you." He said right in front of my house's gate.
There was silence for few seconds I don't know how long we stare at each other, 'wait what' I said dumbstruck "ya I really do" I had a grin that screams amazement and excitement and he had a shit- eating smile."I love you and a girl from class" ofc we weren't in same school neither were we in same class we were neighbors. He was 7 months younger than me, not knowing how to respond to that question I said 'I love you too'. After all what can a 2nd grader possibly give  answer to that question. "Can you umm please kiss me on my cheek" he asked looking a bit hesitant. I looked at him for a couple of seconds not knowing what to do then shyly motioned him to come forward with my hand and the moment he was close enough I quickly gave him a peck on  his cheek. We both just looked at each other, more like he looked at me and I looked on the ground embarrassed by what I just did I quickly ran to my house screaming 'I'll see you later' to him.

Later that day

I was sitting in my another neighbors cristy's house. Me, Christy nd her brother we were all randomly watching a movie 'Nate proposed me today he saidhe loves me' I suddenly blurted out of no where. There was a creepy silence for few minutes then both the evil siblings looked at each other and a devilish smile creep out on their faces cristy asked "omg wait what  really" I silently nodded unsure of anything. "Well what did you replied?" Her brother asked 'I said I love you too' I replied nonchalantly "so now you and Nate are what boyfriend and girlfriend? you in a relationship or what" cristy asked. Oh my God I didn't think about that what does that it makes us are we what a couple now, I don't realize whatever expression i had on my face while thinking about everything made cristy's brother laugh he smacked her head and said "don't scare the little child tho maybe they might make a good couple not sure how their parents might react to this news" I was 3 years younger than cristy and 4 years younger than her brother. Oh no no no I totally forget how my parents will do when they find out about us. They beat me on my smallest mistakes don't know what they will do about this. My parents weren't bad people they were just a little strict and liked their child in discipline but that never stopped me from doing things discretely, coming back to the topic on hand I realised I am totally dead if they found out..... 'hey can you guys not tell anything about this to anyone please ' with the hopes of them keeping their mouths shut but oh how I couldn't be any wrong. They both evilly smiled and said don't worry you can trust us we wouldn't say anything to any single body.' I politely smiled and said thanks and after the movie ended I went home trying to pretending nothing happened. By the time it was dark I already forgoted what happened, my mom came and told me that cristy was calling me out to play. I went outside to find cristy, her brother, Nate and all my other friends oh no I totally forgot about the whole encounter. My friend malyshka who was 1 year older than me asked "is it true Nate proposed you" to say I was shocked would be a total understatement I looked at Nate and saw an angry expression then I looked at cristy with a hurt expression on my face to find her trying not to laugh emphasize on trying trying. "No it isn't" Nate said angrily idk why I felt something extremely heavy on my chest. "Let's leave all this I think we should play hide and seek today" another friend of mine said everyone agreed and we all went to hide. During the game I find Nate ignoring me and I don't like him ignoring me one bit. When we both were alone I cornered him and asked e
What is wrong with him he looked at me and said " what's your problem, huh why are you going around telling everyone and embarrassing me, huh you ruined everything what will you do when any of them snitches to our parents? What do you think they will do if they find about this, just don't talk to me anymore" he left after saying that not giving me a chance to reply. But, but- he said he loves me.......

Someone snapped their fingers in front of my eyes pulling me out of my thoughts looking around I find Alex looking at me amused with god knows what "earth to Stella" he said we were currently standing under a tree for a break I looked up to see Nate and Kate talking. Kate was also a neighbor but she was older than all of us. After that day Nate never really talked to me in front of anyone we always used to insult each other every single chance we got. But when we were alone which was very rare like probably one day in 6 months he was nice tolerable and we talked like we never  insulted each other and we were good friends but we sure as fuck wasn't anything like that infront of anyone. I just don't know what is wrong with him.

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