Be careful

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I just wann be yours,
Secrets I've held in my hearts, are harder to hide than i thought maybe i just wanna be yours.

We were returning from my grandmother's house and i wanna be yours by arctic monkey was full on blasting in the car.

I wanna be his too, but i guess I'm already his as he's my boyfriend.
I cant believe i have boyfriend.

Its crazy when you start liking someone and all the love songs are about them. How we listen to the same song with different emotions when we have crush on someone or when we are dating someone.

Finally the wait is over and I'm about to reach my home,

Omg i am so excited to finally meet him, i wonder if he misses me as much as i misses him...

Later at night.

'Happy birthday Ella' i wished my cousin even tho its 11.50, 10 minutes are still left for her birthday to end. We reached home quite late, amd because Ella loves me too much she refused to celebrate her birthday without me. (What can i say everyone loves me.) So we are gonna celebrate her birthday tomorrow.

The next day in evening

I just dont get it how can i always manage to be so fucking late everywhere Nd everytime. I am officially fucked i was supposed to go down half an hour ago but obviously me being me started searching for clothes to wear half an hour ago, everyone is waiting down in the car for 20 minutes and once in a while i hear my parents and uncle amd aunt screaming my name.

'Comingggg' i screamed.

After 5 more minutes of making everyone wait i was sitting in the car and was hearing everyone yell at me. Not to be a total bitch but its not my fault that they got ready early.

"Your laces are untied" dex a very close of mine said. He's actually 20 years old and i am 14 years old almost in 12 days. Dex is Ella's fathers bestfriends son. But we got reall close 2 years ago at Ella's sisters bday party, when i vented to him about my shitty family, ever since then he kinda became my unpaid therapist.

'I wish my boyfriend was here to tie them' i said with a dreamy sigh,
Dex looked at me with a look of shock. I smirked at him and said
'What didn't expected me to have a bf or what'

He just shook his head and said 'no its just that i wasn't sure i heard you correctly'.

I just smiled amd said ' no you did heard me correctly i got a boyfriend 10 days ago.'

'Cool' he said

'I just wished he was here, he could tie my shoe lace and we could have walk together' i said looking around the restaurant which was surrounded by a massive garden.

Dex didn't say anything and we set in a peacefull silence on the other side of the garden everyone was chatting, laughing and waiting for the food  , and we both were sitting away from all the people.

'You know i want to squeeze my way though his hoodie and pop my head through the collar of his hoodie its like my biggest fantasy'. I said while shyly smiling.

"Jeez kids these days are wild as fuck you know you are only 13, and you shouldn't do something thats not appropriate according your age. Look I am not stopping you from having fun i just want you to be safe and not do something that feels wrong or uncomfortable or something your family wont like. I know you are being all lovy dovey having first bf and stuff but just be careful." He said it very seriously.

I nodded my head and said 'first of all my parent wont ever like me having a bf and secondly dont worry bro I wont do anything stupid. '
Little did i knew.

"Stellaa, dex cmon its time for the cake cutting" called my aunt.

"Yeah coming "dex shouted and we both made our way to the group.

Next day afternoon

Omg i am finally gonaa meet Nate today I am so excited and nervous.
I think i should go and call him, with that i decided to go to his house.

Thanks for reading💖
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