A ride of togetherness

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"Stella where is your mind today , you have been looking at that page since I came". My home tutor shouted at me.

Well how could I tell her that I have been day dreaming about my butterfly, my Nate ,the one who gives me butterflies ever since I fell for him.

'Nowhere I just couldn't solve this question, can you help me with this question.' I absentmindly pointed at the last question of the page.

"Sure" she said.

She started explaining but I couldn't focus because how could I think about anything other than my sweet boy.
If in FUTURE we decided to take things forward what will we do?
Hold hands like couples in kdrama,
Hug like grey used to hug azelia in Delilah,
Kiss like Damon used to kiss Elina in vampire diaries??

I would very much like to do all those things with him..... someday.

"Soo, did u understand?" My tutor said

Oh fuck she was explaining me the whole question and I was busy fantasizing about him.

'Yeah my doubts are clear' I lied.

"Ok so i guess we are done for today?" she asked

'Yeah' I replied, with that she left and I also went outside,
Idk how or why my feets took me to Nate's house. I was about to call him but my eyes fall on his garage and I realized that his cycle isn't here which means he is outside. Its 3.pm only so I don't think he went out to play, maybe he went to buy something. His mom must have asked him.

I decided to wait outside my house and wait for him.

I have been standing outside my house for 10 minutes waiting for him to return so I can finally see him after so many days. I didn't knew how can someone become so important to us that just to have a glimpse of that person we could cross every line, every boundary, we can stand and wait for them for ages.

I guess we all become fools in love and ends up doing crazy stupid things for that person.

I was getting thirsty so I went inside to drink water I came back and I guess he still wasn't here or maybe he might have came back when I was inside. I should check again. I went to his house again only to find his cycle standing there.

I was right he was back.

I couldn't wait and called out his name he quickly came outside and said that his tutor is teaching him and he can't come and he will call me when he gets free I agreed and left not before giving him a smile that screamed 'I missed you so much'

I think he got a more beautiful in these 10 days or maybe I just missed him too much.

2 hours later

I have been waiting for hours now and he still haven't came. He must be studying that's what I'm trying to tell myself from past 2 hours. But I don't think I can wait I have to go to my dance class maybe we will meet after I come back. I was wearing my shoes when I heard him calling my name from outside
Fuckkkkk this is the first time that he have come to call me and I don't think I have ever been happier. Usually it's me always going to call him but this time he came.

Before I could say anything my mum said "yes, what happened"

"Is Stella coming for cycling" he said

"I don't think so she have dance classes in few minutes so she is leaving for that but if you want you both can do cycling together to her classes and then you drop her there and come back, what do you say?" My mum asked him.

"Yeah sure I guess" he nervously said

I quickly went downstairs and opened the door to greet him

'Hi' I said feeling shy all of a sudden I wasn't aware a girl like me can feel shy just because someone came to call me but the point was he wasn't someone he was special.

God I sound like a crazy chick in love
I mean ain't I

This guy is gonna be the end of me(literally)

"Hi" he said back
'Lessgo' I asked
He nodded

"Did you told your mother about us" he said.
'What, no why would i' I replied
"Because she asked me drop you so I thought u told her" he asked
'Ohh no no I would never if I would have told her she won't let me come near u like ever she only allowed Because she thinks we are friends' I answered.

'Soooo did you missed me?' I shyly asked
"Why would I miss u.....?" He said
'Because I was away for soo many days'
"Ohh no i didn't u were gone for few days only why would I miss u in these short spam of days " he nonchalantly replied.

I looked at him thinking if he didn't missed me then why did I missed him soo much

I didn't said anything to him I just couldn't. My head was filled with thoughts
After peacefully riding for a few minutes I said 'we should make 5 rules for each other it would help us bond'

He looked at me and said"to be honest i dont think there is need for doing all this it's unnecessary."

'Well I have seen people do this in series it helps them with knowing each other better soo can u pleaseee do it" I whined.

He rolled his eyes and muttered a little fine.

We had small talks throughout the way. Though all of them were initiated by me only.

'Alright byi I'll see u in the evening I guess ?' I said unhappily clearly not wanting to say good bye to him so soon.

"We'll see" with that he left

I went inside to find my dance teacher watering the plants
"You are 10 minutes late" she said
'Sorry' I said
"Well looks like you are the only one who come today so there will be no class you can return" she said

Real nice
I left him to come here only  to go back.


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