would you kiss me?

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I returned home with the expectations of hanging out with him again. I just hope we can spend some quality time today.

Maybe we'll finally hold hands today. Maybe we'll go on a date in the nearby garden and we'll walk together hand in hand.
Maybe we'll hug...

Godddd just his thoughts are enough to make me blush ridiculously.

But what can I do.
and everything related to him feels like sunshine and rainbows.

Anyways enough with his thoughts I gotta go and assemble him out of his house, which is an enormous task it self.

Just like everytime I was once again infront of his house. Ready to cry out his name when I saw his cycle being absent from it's usual spot. Which meant my  butterfly was still wandering somewhere. Without me.

Though I trust him I know he won't be eyeing random girls. My Nate's different.
Only if you knew.

My hopes of spending time with him deflated like a balloon with a hole.

So what we'll spend time together in the evening. I thought trying to stop myself from demotivating further.

Few after later

God listened to me because Charlie came to call me for cycling, just to tease me he also added that Nate's also coming and there was no stopping of the smile that bloomed on my face after hearing that he's also going to be there.

Looks like we'll be spending time together after all

We have been cycling for almost an hour and everyone got super tired, so we decided to take a break and when I went down and sat close to Nate he quickly got up from there and move away. Breaking my heart a little. Scratch that it was more than a little. How can he do that.

I initiated an eye contacted with him and he looked at me and then quickly looked at everyone around and then raised an eyebrows to say 'that we can't sit  together infront of everyone' through his eyes.

Ofc he thinks it will raise suspicions among them regarding our relationship. Which I highly doubt.

But whatever let's him breathe in peace and I wasn't going to do anything stupid again.

Slowly everyone started leaving and it was just the two of us.

Fucking finally.

'Whats the colour of your eyes' I blurted in the hopes my breaking the awkward silence.

He stared at me. Hard.

"You are into black magic or what" he said with mild amusement.

'What' I exclaimed


He chuckled and said" Why do you wanna know my eye colour, you gonna do black magic or some shit on me"

What the actual fuck???!!!!!

' What? No I was just trying to get to know you, why would I do black magic on you'??

His way of being romantic is very weird.

"So had you ever been in a relationship?" He asked.

'Nope' I answered honestly. He is my first.

"You" I questioned

"Oh yeah, twice." He replied nonchalantly.

Ohhhhhhhkkkkkk so he's experienced

'With who, may I ask?' I hesitantly asked.

"Oh just some girls from class" he answered.

'Cool I guess' I spoke

Uh hun not cool at all!

"Cmon let's go for few more lapse" he ordered, while getting on his cycle.

I wordlessly followed him...

I think I will follow him anywhere if he wanted. No question asked.

We were cycling in silence. But this time the silence wasn't awkward or annoying rather it was peaceful.

"Have you ever kissed someone?"
He randomly asked.
I  looked at him with wide eyes because I didn't understood what he was trying to speak.

He repeated his question.
And I started laughing.

Is he like fr??

'Nate bro I have never been in a relationship, or held any guys hand. Kissing is like way out of question'.

He chuckled at his stupidity. But then stopped suddenly and asked" You want me to be your bro or that"( He meant boyfriend).

'Obviously boyfriend' I mumbled

"Then don't call me your bro" he said stopping in front of a house which was under the construction. I followed his lead and stopped too.

I absentmindly nodded to his request

There was this huge tree right outside that house, I touched it being fascinated by its grey colour almost the same as the colour of the sky when it's about to shower.

" Would you kiss me, if I asked"?


Sorry for going MIA
I'll try to update frequently, if I get good response.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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