2. the freak

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Test Tube's shift ends at 11:30, which is right when TK usually comes in to replace her, and always lets me know that "You have to take a break Paintbrush or else you'll work your roots out!"  Though I'd never let that happen. I'd rather die.

I nab a croissant from the pastry window and sit in the break room towards the back of the shop. The smell of lavender cleaning supplies barrages my nose as I try to take in a moment of peace.

Clearly I can't get that around here.

I hear loud yelling from the front of the store. Oh shit is it that old fuck again. God damn it.

I throw the croissant into a random bin and shove my way to the front of the crowded register.

Tea Kettle's face is red hot as she argues with a teenager.

"I asked for a CARAMEL FRAPPE. Not a CARAMEL CRAP you old piece of shit!" the girl yells, slamming the drink onto the counter.

That was probably the worst line I've ever heard in my life.

I could tell TK was about to blow so I motioned her to the side and took hold of the conversation.

"Ahem. Excuse me kind ma'm," I put on my customer charm, "My lovely coworker here has been working here a lot longer than I have, so I know she's had much, MUCH more experience in making caramel frappes than the teenagers down at Starbucks."

The teen gives me a look and slams her hands on to the counter. "Well EXCUSE ME 'sir', but I think this old hag needs to learn how to make my frappe right or else I'm gonna-"

Okay- now this bitch is pushing it. I feel my smile cracking under her gaze "We are a small business and we take pride in our unique style-"

"I don't care about your unique style, you goddamn freak! All I want is for this pudgy old lady to make my fucking order right! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!"

I stomp my way around the counter and face the woman dead in the eye. "Oh lovely! If you don't care about 'unique style', you may take YOUR FAT ASS DOW-"

"Okay Hon I can take it from here.." TK quickly brushes me aside. "We're going to have a talk about your 'customer service' later, alright? Please go on your break now- you're supposed to be off the clock."

I figuratively slam my head into the wall before going back to the break room. Stupid me and my stupid anger. God- I'm such an idiot.

A goddamn freak. Is that what I am?

~sorry for ending on such a rough note , but don't worry the fluff will be coming soon!!!! love ya!!~
~future alexa here!! changed a few words and removed a couple things!! i never realized how much paintbrush swore in these early chapters.  :( so naive. anywho! 12/18/2023~

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