7. yellow raincoat

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~ wow i am so speedy look at me go ~

Paintbrush's POV

I place my house key on the counter and stamp my muddied boots onto the carpet of my apartment. An hour after I saw Lightbulb at work, the rain started pouring down like a broken shower.

All thanks Test Tube, though- she handed me a bright yellow raincoat before her shift ended so my poor hair wouldn't be ruined. Though I wish I had my stupid phone so I could've planned ahead for this kinda crap. Speaking of which, I haven't seen that thing in over two days, where could it have gone?! My ride to work is less than a mile away, I don't think it could've grown two legs and scampered away. 

If it did, it couldn't have gone far.

Moving on, I grab the edge of a dining chair and I slide my way into the seat. I grab the lock, note, and business card out of my pocket, spreading them out upon the kitchen table. I feel like a private investigator, trying to figure out how all of the murders connect. I guess it's not really that accurate since two of the things are from LB and the other is a random lady's business card.

I start by taking the note and sticking it to my fridge with a magnet, so I can keep track of the code (and also the fridge was looking dull without any color on it so I guess I'm multitasking) I then take the lock and put it next to my bike, which I had leaned against the counter when I first opened the door. I then turn my eyes to the card, which I haven't spared a glance at all day. It was colored the same purple as the woman's braids had been earlier today.
Lady Candle's Spiritual Therapy Service.
Open Tuesday-Saturday 7:30-16:00
Bring card in for free trial
Contact me~ XXX-XXX-XXXX

I raise my brow. What was this lady thinking, giving me a therapy card (what even is a therapy card)?! You know what! I think I might just throw this away!

Actually-no-wait-never mind I kinda want this.

I grab another magnet off the fridge and I stick it right next to the code.

There! Now it's starting to look a little less dull in here!

As I admire my amazing handiwork on the fridge, I hear a knock coming from the front door. It's probably Test Tube coming to pick up her raincoat. I nab the yellow coat off the table and step to the door, the coat still damp and seeping through my sweater. I adjust it in my arms and turn the knob to greet my friend.

"Hey Test Tu-'' Oh.

Lightbulb stands outside my door, drenched from the rain. Her hair hangs in front of her eyes and she claws at it trying to unstick it from her forehead.

"Omga! You brought me a towel! You're the best, you know that Painty?" She reaches for the raincoat before I quickly snatch it away.

"This is a raincoat- and also WHY ARE YOU OUTSIDE MY APARTMENT?!"

"Uhhhhhh I followed you home, duh." She playfully rolls her eyes, gaining a smug look and putting a hand on to hip.

I put a hand on the doorframe, leaning my hip in. "Right, okay. And why the hell would you do that?"

She wavers for a moment. I can almost hear the cogs turning in her brain.

The smile fades from her lips. "I-"

"There really is no reason, is there?" I smile.

She covers her eyes with her damp hair.


"Mhm, that's what I thought."

I take a deep breath and grab her by the palm, dragging her into my apartment, pointing her to the bathroom.

"Okay. Go take a shower. Then we can talk. I can't have my stalker making my carpet soggy"

"I'm not a stalkerrrrrrrrr..." She hangs her head back, looking at me upside-down. I push her into the bathroom, slamming the door behind.


~omg a decent sized chapter wow this is crazy. thanks for reading bestie ily tataaaa!!~
~ so silly 12/18/2023 ~

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