12. pay phone

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"And ever since then I've kinda just been- moseying around... it's not that bad." I shrug, grabbing the blanket from Painty's hands.

They had been clutching onto the thing as if it were their life source. Their shell-shocked eyes bore into mine.

I elbowed their side. "Oh come on, Painty! It's all good! Now I'm living the high life with my new bestie! This is gonna be great!" I squeal, throwing the blanket into the air to flourish the idea before it promptly falls onto their stiff-as-a-board body.

"Mhm." they mumble. Their hand slowly takes the blanket off their head before dropping it onto the couch. Their trembling eyes turn back to me one final time, before they pull me in for the tightest hug of my life.

"OUMPH-! PAINTY, HEY! I told you, I'm all good, trust me!" They contemplate for a moment before rolling their eyes, a smile appearing on their face.

"Alright. Whatever you say." Paintbrush pulls away and goes to grab an umbrella from the towel closet. "I'm gonna head downtown real quick and look for a pay phone. There's someone I need to talk to."

I plop onto the couch, leaning on the arm. "Your little Marsh-pal?"

"I don't have her number, ya goof." They laugh, turning the knob on the front door. "I'll be home in an hour. Don't burn the place down while I'm gone." Their eyes linger on my expression before closing the door.

It all turned out okay. That's good. Maybe I won't have to steal a car and hightail it out of here.

Might do that anyway just for fun.


Where's the ramen...

Paintbrush's POV-

As I shut the door behind me, I sink to the floor and lean against the wall.

Okay, lovely. Just got myself a roommate. Certainly devolving from the roundabout. That's good. I think.


She's very- how do I say...


I don't mean that in a bad way, no no no. She just moves on so quickly.

I can tell that what happened at that school had genuinely hurt her mentally. She acts like everything's okay, but the way she had described it in the moment rocked me to my core. She didn't cry or even let her eyes water. Like she had decided to just move on.


It's amazing how she can be so positive all the time. She's so energetic and caring. She had actually cared about what I had to say about Marsh earlier today. And the way she smiled when she laughed-! Her smile is the prettiest thing I've ever seen in my life.

God damn it all.

~sorry for the wait! i'm on vacation right now so i'm typing on my phone >:( i hope everyone's doing great! thanks for all the love!!! 🫶🫶-
~duuuuuude gay people wtffff get that outta here 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 12/18/2023 ~

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