8. blue

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~ayo wazzup bros i'm back~

Paintbrush's POV

"PAIINNNNTYYYYYY!!!!" I hear Lightbulb's voice yell from the bathroom as she stumbles out of the shower. I stand to see her sticking her head outside the frame of the door, her yellow hair just as soaked as before, but in a clean way this time.


"I need a towel!!!" She then starts to move her hands in a grabby motion from the frame, hiding the rest of her body so I wouldn't see her- y'know.

"Yea, yea, I've got it. Just a sec-!" I hurry over to the closet near my bedroom, and start to rummage my way through, searching for a decent towel to hand her. I notice out of the corner of my eye that she's peeking at me through a small crack in the frame as I flip through the pile.

I can sense a huge grin appearing on her face. Oh no.

"Can I have the blue one?"

"The blue one?!"

"Yea." She nods, sticking her hand through the crack, the same grabby motion as before appearing on her hand.

"Uhhh" The blue towel lingers in my hands. I rub my fingers over the seams. This was the same blue towel given to me by...

Oh nevermind. If she wants the blue towel then she can have the blue towel.

I quickly fold the towel in half and shove it into her hand. She immediately slams the door in my face, and I soon hear her frantically rubbing her hair through the gap in the door.

Alright then, that works for me.

Just as I start to walk away, I can feel her eyes yet again staring daggers through my back.

"What is it now?" I press my fingers to my temples, flipping my gaze back to hers once again. She's wrapped herself in the towel, her hair now mildly damp.

"I don't-" She drops a stack of soaking wet clothes right onto my carpet. "Have any clothes."


I hesitate. God. Do I really want a girl who just stalked me from my workplace to my apartment to be staying in my house and wearing my clothes?

Okay y'know what?! This is Lightbulb for crying out loud. For as long as I've known her, (less than two days but who's counting) she's been a total idiot, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. I don't believe she could have any sort of malicious intent.

Screw it.

"Alright," I point my hand towards the closet in my bedroom, "you are gonna pick out one outfit, ONE OUTFIT, and take it to the bathroom and change. Then you are gonna explain why you're here. The truth this time. Okay?"

She starts to flap her hands back and forth, jumping like up and down in place. "ALRIGHT!! I'm on it!" She bursts through the bathroom door, holding the towel tight around her body as she hunts through my closet. I smile half-heartedly at the joy she gets from such simple things. I'm happy to make her happy.

(Wow that was sappy. Do I really mean that? This is a girl who I just met. What's got me thinking like this?)

~i've started typing on my computer rather than my phone so things should be going a lot quicker from now on >:) LOVE YA!!!~

~ this one is pretty silly yup yup 12/18/2023 ~

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