5. electric woman

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(yes i know i said there would be fluff and yes i was not kidding but there is gonna be some.. non-fluff as well [i promise the end is worth it though])
mentions of misgendering and transphobia!!! you have been warned!!
ALSO ////= time skip


As I catch sight of my apartment building, I casually slide off my bike and wheel it into the entryway, silently making my way to the staircase. My bike bumps against the uneven carpet as I make my way to the second floor.

I fish for my key in my pocket (the one without the hole) and I cram it into the knob. I check the clock on the wall as soon as I get in. Without my phone all day I was worried about what time my shift was supposed to start and stop, but I guess it really didn't matter since I left work early.

I prop my bike up against the kitchen counter and make my way to the bathroom.

I take off my apron, and as I walk past the mirror, I look at my reflection. Tired eyes, disheveled hair, hole filled pants... shit I forgot I still don't have a phone.

I look into my own eyes.

My eyes don't seem to stare back at me.


I think I'm gonna go to bed.


As I worthlessly tap on the register, I can hear Test Tube's heart beat against her chest as she works the espresso machine. I glance back at her and her eyes wander from the machine onto my gaze.

"Oh! I-" She picks at her bandage looking for the right words. "Sorry- 'was just making mental notes of what Fan and I would do over his winter break! Totally spaced out." She gives me an awkward wave off before putting her mind back onto the drink.

My heart flutters for a moment. I quickly push down the feeling before I turn my eyes back to the register, absentmindedly tapping in the next customer's order.

I had a crush on Test Tube back in tenth grade. She had pulled me out of the loop. We had been in the same lunch and she had offered to let me sit near her and some of her friends. Despite our impromptu meeting, we eventually grew closer, and started hanging out more outside of school. It felt special when it was just the two of us.

Soon after, Fan joined the group after getting transferred to our lunch, and we had our own little trio! And I realized that Test Tube and Fan had a lot more in common then I thought they would (socially anxious losers like I said before), and of course the rest is all sappy kiss kiss mwah mwah blah blah blah.

And so the crush eventually fizzled out. That doesn't mean I'm not looking for someone else- oh no no no! This ol' Brush is still looking for someone special!

Or someone to help with the rent.


I anxiously peer through the coffee shop window.

Oh god, they're totally mad at me. I can tell by that completely blank expressionless impassive deadpan look of theirs! Or maybe they always look like that. I've only met them once I'd have no clue! Maybe th-

No! I shake my head.

Stay focused!

Deep breath.....


I burst through the door like a hero would bust through a building! YEEEAAAHHHH!!!!

I get a few stares as I slide into line, but I don't mind!! I'm the coolest hero this 'ere town has ever got! They call me, uh.. -ahem- THE ELECTRIC WOMAN!!! WA HA HA HA!!! Wait no no- that sounded like a villain's laugh. Let me try that again: HA HA HA! That still doesn't sound right! Do hero's even have trademarked  laughs? I think I just made that up. OH CRAP I'M ALMOST IN THE FRONT OF THE LINE!!

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