13. return of the cup noodles

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~i'm on a roll!!!! pumping these out like gasoline >:D~

Paintbrush's POV

As I exit the apartment complex, I turn a glance towards my window. A flash of yellow and white appears before forming a clear figure.

I see Lightbulb, now wearing a chef's apron (where the hell did she get that) and waving her arms in the air like a maniac. A manic grin plasters her face.

She is something else, isn't she?

I spare her a half-hearted wave and begin my walk.

I was on my way to a pay phone. I think there's one close to here, but I really have no clue. I don't consider myself a connoisseur of pay phones.

I head towards one I spot on the corner, taking a lone quarter from my pocket and jamming it into the machine. I hastily dial in the number, not wanting to waste a moment of my three minute time limit.

I tap my foot on the ground waiting for her to pick up. A sudden alarm vibrates through the receiver and I recoil in shock.

"Oh shi- FUCK!" I hear her stumble over some unforeseen object, and probably face planting into the ground.

What has she gotten herself into this time? "You okay Testy?"


A fake laugh.

"It's a pay phone. Also you're talking a little loud; where are you?"

"Crashed my car."

"Excuse me????"

"I CRASHED! MY CAR! INTO! A! TELEPHONE POLE! AHAHA! GOD! THIS IS SO GREAT! EVERYTHING'S COMING-UP-TEST-TUBE TODAY HUH!? THE UNIVERSE MUST REALLY LOVE ME! AHHAHHAHAH!!!!!!" Manic laughter blasts through the phone and I lean away as to not murder my eardrums.

"Oh fun!!! Nah, kidding." I'm used to all her weird shenanigans. "Yea, need me to come pick you up? Or uh- take you back to my place? You seem like you need some cup noodles."

"Mm..." She seems dizzy. "Aha-yeaaaaa. 24th on Main Street, can't miss it since there's a FUCKING CAR CRASH."


"Alright, 'm on my way."

"Cool." She hangs up.

So much for wanting to talk...

Alright, 24th on Main.


Lightbulb's POV


Dude, where are these noodles?

I've been looking for two whole tiresome and grueling minutes, yet no noodles have graced my eyes!

What a cruel world we live in.

Oh, hey! There's a cabinet on top of the fridge! I climb from the counter to the top of the fridge and fling the cabinet open. I find a dusty white apron and-


I nab the two items and hop from the fridge, heaving the apron over my shoulders. The strings on the back hit against my back as I frantically rush around the apartment to find a mirror. (I can't tie a knot unless I see it. Shush.)

I guess a window's kinda reflective?

I head towards the window across from the kitchen, turning around and flipping my head to the glass to watch my fingers. The loops come naturally as I weave them in and out.

There! I admire my work and give myself a victory twirl. As my eyes adjust to the glass again, I notice a figure looking through the window. Their orange eyes lock into mine and a grin crosses my face.

Painty!!!! I wave to them excitedly and bounce on my feet. A soft smile crosses their face as they continue their walk. I lean on the windowsill to watch them turn the corner, their long hair blowing with the wind.


Oh yeah my noodles!

~bro crashed her car i wonder why, hmmmmm. nah jk i know. hah! thanks for all the love!!! until next time ;) ~
~ me when i crash a car: it's all coming up test tube today!!! anywho!!! :D 12/18/2023 ~

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