6. truth?

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~~hello!! took a little break for some me time that might happen a little more but i'll try my best to letcha know next time~~

Paintbrush's POV

As I slide through my apartment door, I can't help but smile to myself, clutching the silver lock to my chest. I realize there's a small yellow note on the back stuck on with a tiny marigold sticker. The note is written in bright pink ink (omg that rhymes) and glitters when I wave it under the lights. It reads-

(HELLO PAINTY!!!! I know I'll probably forget to tell ya but the code for the lock is 4724. It's a nice number! :) )

I see ink bleeding from the back. I flip it to reveal the rest.

(much love, LB <3 )

I silently laugh to myself. I can barely read her handwriting.

I put the note and lock into my pocket; the same one with my apartment key and the card from the purple haired woman.


Lightbulb's POV

I sit back onto the side of the road and glance as the cars pass by.

I wish I there a car to take me far away from this city. I keep finding myself stuck in the same places. If I keep attaching myself to people like a leach, I'll never be able to get away. If I tell them what happened to me, they'll leave me. It always ends up the same. I'll steal a car if I have to.

This is my last shot.

I'll have to make sure I really trust this Paintbrush-character before I say anything important.

~~sorry it was a little short!! i promise- PINKY SWEAR -the gap between this chapter and the next will not be long!!! i just don't have too much motivation rn but i'll be working on this all week so don't give up on me now!!!! >:) LOVE YA TYSM FOR READING‼️‼️‼️‼️~~

~ im not even gonna make the joke anymore lmao. future alexa back at it again. since i've been here so many times today here's a fun fact! the code to the lock is the number of votes Lightbulb got on the character popularity poll to decide the cast of III!! woaaaaah??? yeah super cool i know. 12/18/2023 ~

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