10. roomies?!?

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~HELLO!!!! I am back once again. trying to quit my hiatuses but as i said... random motivation. thanks for all of the love guys- i will cry~

Paintbrush's POV-

A puzzled look appears on her face. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So you're saying you used to have a phone, but you never tried to actually use it to contact her?"

"Oh. Uh, yeah I guess you're right. That's kinda idiotic of me." I laugh.

"Yup!" Lightbulb smiles, drumming her fingers on her knees. A metaphorical lightbulb appears above her head. "Oh, hey! I had a question. Since we've been talking about roommates and you seemed to have really wanted one-"

"I don't like where this is going."

"Shut it, Painty. I was thinking that maybe-possibly-maybe we could be roomies? I mean we're such besties already and I could help with the rent and-"



"Do you not have a house already?"

She blinks.

"That's not important. I mean like-"

"Do you even have a job?"

"No, but-! I can get one! I'm sure it won't take much, just gotta be all professional and stuff."

"Mhm. Right. So you're saying I was followed home by a homeless, jobless woman who also attempted to steal my bike by pretending to be a detective."

She pulls out her cowboy hat.. "I guess you could...presume that...my dear. BUT! For you, my dear friend, I will assume all roles as the strong, female leader of this household. I will gain a well-paying, part time job at an established business and do all the chores you ask of me as soon as I get home. I can also cook 5 star meals which include scrambled eggs and cup ramen. I CAN ALSO MAKE ACTUALLY GOOD TOAST! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME STAY PAINTY!" She falls to her knees, pleading.


Girl drives a hard bargain.

"Uh, well damn that's a pretty good deal." I fake ponder for a moment. "Sure, you can stay. But you need to start looking for jobs as soon as you wake up tomorrow, okay? No free rent."

"OH, THANK YOU PAINTY!" She leaps from the floor and pulls me in for a hug. "YOU'RE THE BEST STRANGER I COULD'VE EVER MET! I LOVE YOU!!!"

"Love you... too." I blush.

~haha gay people~
~who would've guessed gay people were real? not me that's for sure 12/18/2023 ~

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