1. [Miley Morning]

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Miley opened their eyes slowly as they stayed still in their bed.

Their eyes slowly gazed towards the window half covered by their mint green tapestry that was hung carefully when they first moved in- the wrinkles still available to the blind eye.

The platinum-blonde with mint green streaks throughout their hair slowly sat up, glancing at the flower alarm clock next to their bed that sat on the wooden floor of their messy but carefully decorated room.

Miley rubbed their eyes carefully as the alarm clock went off quickly after the action- it reading 6 AM.

"I seriously woke up before it again?" Miley grumbled as they climbed out of bed to look for an outfit in their chipped, but loved dresser that sat in front of their large mirror that covered almost the entire wall.

They pulled out a quick green sweater, black overalls, white socks, hair clip, and a black jean choker (and of course their underwear for a regular person's shower.) then rushed to the bathroom quietly- their feet pitter patting on the bottom wooden frame of their home.

Miley quickly glanced at the living room- carefully decorated with dark green furniture and plants- only to look at the incense burner.

They quickly set a scent into the machine for it to quickly calm their senses at the smells coming from the burner.

They then ruffled their hair, continuing their journey to their bathroom for a breezy shower.

Miley set the clothes that had originally been folded in a drawer onto the clean counter top and quickly undressed for their shower.


The hot shower was shut off smoothly as Miley stepped out, grabbing the towel that sat on a shelf next to the sink to dry themself off.

Miley brushed the water out of their hair by roughly rubbing the towel over their hair, then they actually brushed their hair after quickly dressing themself.

They lazily but their hair up into a clipped hairstyle leaving their mint hair streaks to run all over the top of their head even though it's supposed to only be in one spot throughout their hair.

They put little makeup on, such as eyeshadow, highlighter, and lip gloss.

Miley decided to leave the overalls hanging in front of them, clipped together, off shoulder.

They smiled at themself in the mirror before yawning quietly.

They pulled their phone out to check the time- 6:30 AM. "I still have some time.." Miley mumbled to themself.

Miley strode out of the bathroom towards the kitchen. Then they grabbed everything they needed to make some delicious chocolate covered strawberry pancakes.

The chocolate covered strawberries had been a snack Miley would nibble on and make whenever they were bored over the summer so they had been freshly sitting in the fridge from yesterday.

And so Miley made the pancakes only for them to eat them surprisingly quickly. After a couple more minutes Miley finally brushed their teeth, put deodorant on, and spritz some burnt caramel perfume on. Ready for school!


Miley quickly put their black boots on and grabbed their bag, heading to their first day of Sophomore year at their school- an hour bus ride away from their home.

Miley ran towards the bus stop, checking their phone every now and then to see the time so that they didn't accidentally miss the bus which left at 7:25 AM- a few minutes away.


The bus stop in view finally, Miley saw the bus slowly driving up towards it, making them speed up quickly.

Miley grabbed onto the outside handle bar of the bus so that the driver didn't close the door on Miley as the last rider climbed into their seat.

"I'm here." Miley huffed out raggedly, out of breath.

They climbed onto the steps of the bus and reached into their school bag for their change purse only for the change Miley grabbed to be plopped into a dispenser next to the driver- to who which tipped his hat off to Miley, appreciating the dedication to make the bus.

Miley smiled at the man, then staggered over to a seat only to be almost pushed to the ground by a slightly larger figure of a teenage boy in all black.

Miley slowly looked back towards the boy, only for his eyes to widen at the sight of the person he almost knocked over.

"I'm very sorry.." He mumbled out as he looked everywhere other than Miley, and as Miley nodded, -appreciating the apology- he sat down somewhere away from Miley.

But for Miley, Miley watched as the boy sat towards the back of the bus in an empty seat away from everyone. They slowly sat down in the seat they tried to sit in before being bumped by the handsome stranger.

Miley's smile turned into a lovesick one as they stared over towards the boy unknown to them.

All Miley thought about was the boy's brown eyes that pierced with an awkward apology sunk into Miley's soul.

Miley saw the blacked hair boy get off at their school's bus stop and automatically got excited at the thought of this handsome stranger going to the same school as Miley, and even better the same class!

Miley's lovesick gaze pierced the boy but he didn't feel the minty eyes on him as he awkwardly held his bag and walked into the school.

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