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Miley curled onto their mattress as they held their plushie to their chest carefully.

"Does he actually exist?" They scoffed out a content breath. Their eyes softened significantly, their stressful day now suddenly filled with peace at the thought of Eli Graves.

Miley kicked their feet excitedly and turned in their bed happily.

A knock came to Miley's front door, the knock sounded exclaimed.

Miley quickly got up, plopping their plush onto the bed. They wore a confused look on their features as they approached the front door swiftly.

They peeked through the door hole, "Who is it?" They asked carefully, seeing orange hair peeking through the blur of the peek hole.

A sweet glassy voice came through the other side after the person cleared their throat, "Hello! I've come to welcome myself into the neighborhood by going door to door to my neighbors!"

Miley suddenly recognized that voice, Oh God. Is that..

Miley carefully opened the front door to find Kamryn right outside, her perkyness already avaliable at sight. Another female with similar hair and features stands next to her.

Miley breaks a strong smile, clearly fake to anyone who cared, they're only trying to be friendly so the new found social interaction could get off their porch. "Oh hello Kamryn, I didn't know you just moved in. Welcome to the neighborhood, now I'm ultimately very busy at the moment so please excu-"

They were cut off by Kamryn leaning against the doorway with a calming sick smile that actually scared Miley, "Oh thank you love. Yes, my twin and I just moved here from London. It's very different here right Bobbie?"

The female next to Kamryn who was glued to her phone finally looked up at the mention of her name, "Oh yes. Very different from our state, many more active things to do here. I've been out everyday lately, see?" Bobbie shows her phone to Miley, showing off her Simstagram page filled with active sports or activities.

Bobbie was no different from Kamryn, they were both incredibly hyper. Bobbie was just a little quieter at the moment because she was glued to her phone.

The ginger finally took the phone from Miley's face, making them blink rapidly at the new eye freedom.

"Um.. cool." Miley said with a awkward nod, "Anyways I'm busy. So.. bye girls, have fun going around today and I'll uh see you tomorrow!"

They then shut the door carefully on the gingers, rolling their eyes subtly.


Eli did finish that essay after his harsh thoughts about how he could fix his relationship with Miley. Or.. whatever they were, he never really thought about it. We're they friends or just people who talked?

He fidgeted with his thumb ring as he sat on the living room couch. Corinne sat on the floor by the fireplace, writing in her journal.

A knock came.

Eli did not want to answer, too much talking today. The only people he wanted to talk to was maybe Corinne or Chelsie. Maybe.

He looked down at Corinne to see her still writing, her handwriting gentle and smooth much different than his which was rough and fast.

Chelsie's desk chair could be heard squeaking as she got up to answer the door.

As soon as she answered you could tell her gears were turning quickly the more she spoke to the people behind it. Eli didn't feel like seeing who it was no matter how curious he was. Wait how curious was he..? Not really.

Chelsie was trying to talk about different things every minute but the people behind the door kindly shut her down every now and then but they would engage in the conversations.


Later that night Eli decided to follow up the new found courage he had and go over to Miley's house to ask if they want to hang out.

The more days passed and the more he spoke to Miley brought him to believe that he actually liked Miley's company. They make him comfortable and he'd actually like to get to know them more as a person or a friend rather than just a classmate or neighbor.

He was shutting the door behind him before finally shuffling down his porch stairs quickly, excitement flowing through him at the moment like he was reading or playing a video game he ultimately enjoyed.

Eli stood in front of the platinum blonde's door, his hand ready to knock but then he suddenly began to shake nervously. What if Miley actually hated him, that would suck..

He shook his head and then knocked twice.

Silence roamed through the house as he held his wrist anxiously. Only for suddenly soft footsteps to arrow towards the front door.

Miley opened it slowly after unlocking the lock. Their eyes slowly lit up at the sight of Eli, and they swung the door open with a smile.

"Eli? What're you doing here? Whats up?" Miley was practically bouncing with excitement, for this being the first time Eli had come over with such an expression on his face Miley wanted to capture the moment carefully.

Eli stared at the ground once they made accidental eye contact. "Um, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out or uhh something." He cleared his throat and found courage to look back at Miley.

Miley's lips lightly parted at the question and their eyes softened relatively. A smile came to their lips quickly and they held their hands in front of them, carefree atmosphere radiating from them.

"Um of course I want to hang out? That's a dumb question." They let an amused scoff.

Eli's eyes slightly lit up at their acceptance, "Oh! Great! Do you just want to go for a walk or something? I know a nice walking spot nearby." He scratched the back of his neck.

"I'd love to." Miley's words were softly spoken. Once Eli looked away Miley's eyes looked at him fondly, that thumping in their chest again.


Eli began leading the way after awhile, Miley following close behind him with their hands folded together behind them.

"Do you like going on walks Eli?" Miley was curious about the male who so oftenly was shy but teased so much when it came to them.

A small smile came to his lips, "I do like going on walks. They clear my head when I have no inspiration."

Those words rose Miley's eyebrows. "Inspiration? For what?"

Eli chuckled and then sighed contently, "I like to work a lot, mentally, with school work. While also playing games, it doesn't matter what kind they just have to be ones I enjoy."

Miley laughed as well, "Well it's nice you've found a way to regain your inspiration."

They walked side by side, closely as if one another were best friends in the world but they rarely knew each other. Not even each other's favorite colors. Speaking of which..

Miley burst with an idea, "Oh my God, Eli what is your favorite color?" They stood in front of him, their body practically vibrating.

He didn't know why the question caused them so much excitement but he didn't completely question rather than inside his head, "My favorite color is red, completely unsurprising answer. But it's not like a dark red it's more of a sunset red, sunset red is more vibrant than the regular 'emo' red."

The answer completely satisfied Miley, rather he knew it or not. They smiled brightly and held their hands together, "So understandable, that color is gorgeous. I don't know if you could tell but mine is mint green, love soft colors, especially green. It's beautiful."

He looked at their eyes, "Yeah kinda similar to your eye color." He smiled.

Miley's smile faded for a moment and an awkward one replaced it, a unnoticeable blush crossing their cheeks. "Yeah.. like my eyes." Their eye contact faltered and soon they began walking next to each other again. Every now and then Eli would take pictures of the scenery, sending them to a Chelsie contact on his phone. Miley didn't know who it was but they must love photos.

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