1:2. [Eli Morning]

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Eli read the clock on his PC– realizing that he had stayed up later than he had wanted.

He soon turned it off to get ready for his first day back to school.

His alarm went off not a minute later only for him to groan. "Yeah I fucking know." He grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

Eli grabbed an outfit from his dresser quickly, not caring how it looked, and swiftly made it towards the bathroom down the hall before his sisters could.

A girl with long wavy lavender hair peeked out of her doorway to see Eli speeding towards the bathroom, to which led her to yell towards male, "Hey Hey Hey no! Eli I called dibs, c'mon!" The female groaned.

"Sucks to suck I guess Chelsie." He shrugged, sticking his tounge out at her with a glum expression and then shut the door, hearing her groan louder behind the door which only just made Eli snicker.

He threw the clothes onto the closed toilet seat and quickly turned the shower on.


He felt much better and definitely way fresher than before.

He scrubbed his hair with his towel as he wiped the steam off of the mirror to see himself.

"Yup. Still Eli, damn." He scoffed as he pulled his shirt over his shoulders and then put some of his cologne on.

"Rings?" He mumbled to himself, "Rings." He demanded the final word as he snatched the black rings he wore daily from the countertop and placed them on each finger.

Eli did a quick finger gun action in the mirror before grabbing his clothes and walking out.

"Ugh finally!" Eli's brown haired sibling, Corinne yelled.

"Shut up queer."

"YOU ARE TOO WHAT?" She sternly observed as Eli walked into his room.

He laughed quietly as he threw his dirty clothes lazily into his hamper in the corner of his room.

He picked up his charging phone to check the time, "SHIT." He stumbled out of his room, stuffing his phone in his pocket as he grabbed his shoes and lazily put them on, hopping towards the front door.


"LONG GONE BRO" Chelsie yelled back as she stumbled around the kitchen grabbing a snack and following behind Eli soon enough as she threw on her boots.

"Ew dont follow me photo girl."

"We literally all have to take the bus you emo."

"Eh you could walk." He shrugged as Corinne rushed out of the bathroom and ran into the room she shared with the other girl only to rush back out.

"HEY YOU LEFT A MESS YOU TWERP." She yelled as she threw on her backpack, her sneakers already on as she finished her braid in her hair on the left side.

"Meh, did you clean it up?" Eli said tapping his foot impatiently.

"No what the f-" The brunette was cut off as Eli got tired of waiting and sprinted towards the bus stop that was 20 minutes away.

"YOU ASSHOLE." Both girls yelled in sync as they rushed to lock the house door and after Eli who was already far away– surprising for being a shut in.


Eli lost his sisters, wondering if they gave up running after him but he honestly didnt care as long as he made it to the bus stop for school.

He fumbled with his phone as he tried to buy his bus ticket while still running– of course watching his surroundings, other than that one guy on a bike that yelled at him earlier.

"Stupid fucking... YES!" He shouted, able to buy his ticket he put his phone away and ran a little faster.


He wasnt late but he was. He was just grateful the person– that seemed to be female but he didnt assume right away– in front of him stopped the bus before it had the chance to move away from the stop

Their platinum-blonde hair in a bun caught his attention only for him to see them climb onto the bus. What a strange hair color, could be dyed, I mean, look at Chelsie. He thought as he stepped onto the bus, seeing his two sisters walking towards the bus a long while away.

He shook his head in disappointment, but he showed the ticket number to the bus driver and quickly tried to find a seat where he could sit alone.

That was until he bumped into the person who had got on before him.

The bun in their hair getting slightly messier, as he finally saw the very visible mint green streaks in their hair. They were incredibly pretty but he knocked them to the ground, oh shit, HE KNOCKED THEM TO THE GROUND.

"Um... I'm very sorry." Eli mumbled as the person in front of him just nodded, staring at him, their minty eyes staring at him, oh god.

He had to move.

His eyes danced around the bus as he silently moved towards the back of the bus, quickly looking at his phone as he sat down, he felt their gaze still on him for a bit. Idiot didn't even help them up.


The bus stopped at the school and he instantly got up and walked off the bus towards his school– footsteps heard behind him but he ignored them, trying to figure out which class he had first in all honesty.

Little did he know the person he knocked over was giving him glances as he walked in front of them.

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