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Miley stumbled off of the bus.

Jackson held their hand to make sure they didnt fall all over the place.

Miley flashed a small smile towards the brunette. To which once they turned around he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.

Eli watched behind them waiting to get off the bus as well. His eyes were lidded, and he kept an eye on the two not even purposely.

Miley turned around once Jackson and them got off, waiting for Eli to climb down the stairs.

Miley then let go of Jackson's hand to grab Eli's.

Eli stared at the platinum blonde. He then smiled slightly as the three walked towards the front door.


The final bell rung as Miley fumbled to get their pencil case back into their bag. "Ugh. Go.. in."

"Maybe if you werent rushing it would go in." Eli spoke to the platinum blonde monotonous.

Miley turned back towards the male to see him throwing his bag over his shoulder. They only smiled at his smart remark and turned back towards their bag in front of them.

They finally got the pencil case in and zipped their bag.

They stood up and slowly put their bag on as they stared out the window to see freshly new rain pouring from the sky.

"Oh that's right. You like rain, right?" Eli spoke from right next to Miley, spooking them slightly because they didnt realize he'd gotten closer. "Sorry. Didnt mean to scare you."

"Its fine," they said, staring back at the water racing against the window pane, "Yeah, I do like the rain, a lot actually."

Eli looked at the side of Miley's face to see lightly pink marks on their cheeks and their platinum blonde hair grazing their ear, tucked behind it.

He scratched his neck as he turned towards the way Miley was looking, "Why do you like it so much?"

Miley looked at him and grinned, "Because it shows all of the world's wonders through darkened lenses."

His eyes rose in surprise as the platinum blonde smiled at him.

He looked away, clutching his bag strap a little tighter.

"I guess you could say that."

Miley continued to smile as they grabbed Eli's hand and began to walk with him.

He looked at Miley's interlocked fingers on his open palm, him not even daring to close his hand around theirs. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" They say, not even turning or flinching.

"Just take people's hands."

"Its a comfort thing." They explain shortly.

He looked at the back of Miley's head, watching as their long, let down locks bounced as they walked.

"You have an unusual hair color." He spoke not knowing he did so and he covered his mouth with his other hand shortly after he heard the words come out of his mouth.

"I get that a lot. But it is natural." He could mentally hear the smile coming from them as they spoke. But it wasnt because of Eli mentioning their hair color, it was because while Eli wasnt paying attention, he closed his hand around Miley's.


Miley waved to Eli as he walked away towards his own home a couple feet away from theirs.

Jackson stood on the porch waiting for Miley.

"You could go, you know I'll see you later and I dont want you to be late." Miley spoke, turning towards the brunette as they fluffed their hair up a bit to fix their bangs.

"I could but I dont think my old man would care if I told him I was helping you out with some errands after school." He grinned and opened the front door for Miley, only to bow as if being a gentlemen even though he doesnt have the body structure for such gestures.

Miley scoffed with a laugh as they walked into their home and towards their bedroom to get ready for the clock to hit 11:30, which meant Jackson would be here for a very long time helping Miley with "errands".

Miley walked to the dresser that held all of their outfits that continued to stay in a mint green pattern. They picked out an outfit for the night.

They didnt put it on right away. Jackson watched as Miley made messy braids in their hair and then they placed a head band on top only to kick the male out so they could get dressed.

"Fine fine I'm getting out, but dont ask for help." He smirked as he held the doorway with one hand and swung out.

"I hate you."


Miley strut in a black dress with a Jean jacket covering it. Just like that one night..

Underneath being some witch looking leggings and black leather boots to complete the style they continued to uphold for themself.

Jackson only rolled his eyes as the platinum blonde did their make up precisely.

The golden glitter bomb make up they had gotten a couple weeks ago that they had been completely consumed into their fashion sense lately, stuck to their skin with messy eyeliner underneath.

Miley smiled at the make up and outfit quickly and soon grabbed Jackson's arm. "Come on hound dog, let's go dance."

"So persistent." He laughed as he held Miley's arm and the two walked towards the club where Jackson and his father worked and run the show of the small town, being the best club owners in Willow Creek.

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