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[Prologue; Life After Death]

Sometimes, people disagree on common knowledge. I guess I should be thankful about that though.

Many cultures have similar beliefs about death, and life too, but I had never heard of something that happened to me happen to anyone else. It just seemed kind of impossible. But I guess it did happen, since I haven't changed for three years now, yet I aged with my knowledge, and apparently wisdom. Though I'm not wise; not at all.

Christopher was the one who was sent to get me up to date once I had committed the important sin. Well, I guess it's a sin, though in my eyes, it's not.

I gave up my life for my friends'. In a battle between the supernatural and humans, I let them take me, rather than the others. I was in a bad place anyway, I wasn't happy, and I sacrificed my potential happiness (though to me that was impossible) for theirs.

The moment I stopped breathing, my friends' face morphed into something else as I found myself standing in a clean, white warehouse, brightly lit. There was a man on the other side, a few metres away from me, checking his watch and not taking his eyes off of it. I took a few steps towards him, my rubber soled shoes apparently making some noise, and he finally looked up. He had piercing eyes, but that was all that immediately stuck out. I was never too observant... He had one of those faces you'd admire while you passed him in the street, but forget him after. I'd say he was charming more than anything.

"Skylar," he smiled, clasping his hands behind his back and starting to walk towards me, slowly, his white polished leather looking shoes hitting the floor with small thumps tat echoed in the empty space.

"Am I dead?" I asked, not bothering with niceties. I didn't particularly care that I had just died, I just wanted to know for sure; and judging by the all white getup of himself and the building we were in, I was probably there... Or limbo. Whichever...

"No, not yet," he shook his head with a soft smile, stopping at an acceptable distance from me, leaving about four paces between us. It was definitely comforting that he knew about personal space.

"Then what the heck is going on?" I asked, slipping my hands into my cardigan's pockets that I had worn on the day of my death; I think. I'm pretty sure... Which, in hindsight, wasn't such a good choice, since we ended with getting caught up in a cataclysmic battle between humans and of course there were supernatural on both sides also, and moving around in a cardigan wasn't so good for my life, it turns out.

"You're in a coma, in your local hospital," he said with a soft voice and walked off to my side, and when I turned around to see him, he was sat on a chair, a table next to him and a chair on the other side also. He motioned to the chair and I reluctantly sat down. I didn't see the point in having to be scared of him. What could he do now? Kill me? I was still here after taking a stupid bullet.


"You're quite the fighter," he said with a small nod. "You don't want to let go, and that combined with your sacrifice, some people thought you should put those natural talents to good use," he added and threaded his fingers together on top of the table. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and leaned back in my chair, facing him, quite expectantly.

"Some people? Dead people? Is Einstein up there? How is he? Does he know everything yet?" I asked, genuinely quite interested.

"That's not too important right now, Skylar. Come on, I'm going to show you something," he said and stood up, extending his elbow, which I guessed I was supposed to loop my arm through, so I did. We walked a few steps before he stopped and there was a gust of wind blowing through me, quite literally, urging me to close my eyes instinctively, not wanting to get anything like dust in my eye. He didn't seem to be affected by it, but I was.


"Come on," he said and pulled me a little, and I opened my eyes to find us in a garden. There was a fountain in the middle, and I furrowed my eyebrows. How was all of this possible? I was quite open minded and everything, and I had grasped the fact that my best friend was a werewolf, but this was just too much even for me. I'd never heard of anything like witchcraft...

"What are we doing here?" I asked as we stopped in front of the fountain.

"Have you heard of wishing wells?" he asked.

"Of course," I nodded, not really minding that he didn't answer my question. People did that a lot to me... I suppose I am half dead, so I shouldn't be surprised by anything, should I?

"A little boy wished to have a friend who is a girl. He wished to have someone look over him and his family. More like his father and him once his mother passed away. When you were his age, you wished to meet your uncle, correct?" he asked and I nodded, remembering the time we went to the zoo with my mom when I was eight and she made me throw a quarter into the well. It never came true, though.

"But I never thought it'd happen," I shrugged, admitting the truth.

"We overlooked your wish, knowing that when the time came, you would meet your mother's brother. Now that you have figuratively lost both of your parents, the time has arrived. And the little boy will soon also get his wish. He is currently just as disappointed as you. It's been quite a few years since he wished to have that protector, and we have failed to help. Your natural talent is already that you're quite protective and loyal with your friends. You didn't live a full life. In exchange to giving you a new chance with continuing your life, we'd like you to protect this boy."

"If I'm continuing a life elsewhere with different people,  it's hardly my life, isn't it? It's just a new shot at high school in a different place with different people," I said with a small smile. I was quite tolerant, I guess. I didn't see the need to create a big problem from something I couldn't fight against. What would be better; dying, waiting years until I'd be able to see everyone again, or doing something good? I would choose the latter to try and make someone's life last longer than mine.

"I'm sorry," he apologised sincerely as I shrugged with a smile.

"So, what would I be?"

"Almost like a guardian angel. There are a few things we need to teach you though; a few tricks that you have been granted. Now that you're half alive and half dead," he said and I nodded, though I didn't understand anything.

That was how it all started, and even after everything I had gone through with "that little boy" and his friends - my friends - I would never change that choice.

The Sky That Cleared [1] | Teen Wolf {Stilinski} | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now