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Twelve [Closer]

"So what are we doing here?" I asked Nat as I opened the bag of fast food and took a deep breath in. "Oh my gosh, this is the best thing ever," I sighed and reached into the bag to pull out a curly fry.

    "We're just waiting for a call, otherwise, we're just out in the field, making sure everything is okay. Patrol," she shrugged before reaching over and taking the next curly fry from my hand.


    "You're so British," she chuckled before grabbing another few pieces from the bag.

    "Yeah, yeah, whatever, this is your honorary niece you're talking to," I pointed a finger at her, making her smile before the radio let out a bit of static.

    "Unit two, do you copy?"

    Nat dusted off her hands before she reached for the piece and picked it off before pressing the button and talking, "Unit two, copy, loud and clear," she answered.

    "Whatever it is, if unit one is the sheriff, he has Stiles with him, we need to go so I can stop Stiles from being annoying," I told her, making her stare at me, eyebrows furrowed, confused. "Stiles told me," I shrugged.

    "Unit two? Got a possible report of a 187, unit one is on the way, think you can go as backup?"

    "We're on our way," she said as she started the car, hit the headlights and pulled forward to see if the road was clear.

    "187, is that a murder?" I asked.

    "Possible, don't forget," she said as she pulled out of the alleyway and put on the sirens.

    That familiar sound I was already used to...

    "Stay here," she told me as she let me walk to the line and to the sheriff's car. I sighed before crossing my arms and leaning back against the car's side, just behind the passenger door.

    "I will," I told her, not totally meaning it, but wanting to try anyway.

    "Why the hell can't I just go home?! I'm fine!" I heard Jackson's voice and looking past Nat as she turned as well, I saw the entitled little- let's not. Anyway he was just arguing with sheriff Stilinski when I looked over.

    Hearing a knock on the window beside me, I looked down and saw Stiles before I opened the door for him and he got out, holding onto the door in front of him. "Jackass is having fun arguing with your dad," I told him, nodding over to the jock, who was just shouting at the town's sheriff for not understanding.

    "-It should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum-wage rent-a-cop like you! Okay, now, I wanna go home!"

    "hey! Jackass! Who do you think you're talking to?!" I shouted back at him, making him turn to me ad lift a hand to probably flip his middle finger my way before I pulled up an eyebrow, if he really wanted to do that.

    "Oh, whoa, is that a dead body?" Stiles asked beside me before Jackson could reply to my heckling.

    "All right, everybody back up!" the sheriff took over as tiles sunk down and into the seat in the car, leaving the door open as I glanced up and saw Scott and Derek standing on the roof of the store. I gave them a nod as Derek returned it, Scott not realising my movement.

    "I said not to move," Nat told me, a little angry, but she was too chill of a person to actually snap.

    "I didn't, I'm just very good at projecting my voice," I shrugged, smiling lightly, but she wasn't. "I'm sorry, he was being an ass," I told her as Stiles looked up at her.

The Sky That Cleared [1] | Teen Wolf {Stilinski} | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now