T w e n t y - O n e

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Twenty-One [Miguel]

"Lift?" Stiles asked as I nodded, closing my locker and following him. He drove us to his house as we talked about how we'd try to find out who sent Allison that text on the night of the school thing.

    We threw our stuff down by his bed and he made his way to his table, sitting in his chair and starting to type of his laptop as I took a seat on his bed, opening up my supernatural journal to try and learn ore about the alpha. It was something my mum sent over to Noah, who asked for it, and I had made notes on werewolves and extra special details in it, especially about alphas.

    "Hey, Stiles!"

    "Yo D-Derek." I looked up from my book, only to spot Derek in the corner, wondering how I missed him as he lifted a hand to his lips to shut Stiles up. He waved his hand to go to the door and I jumped up, standing by the door to shield Derek as Stiles pulled the door closed, just sticking his head through it, letting me stand beside him.

    "What'd you say?" the sheriff asked as he saw Stiles and I smiling like little angels.

Well, you know what I mean. We looked suspicious as hell.

"What?" I asked, feigning confusion.

"I said 'yo- d- dad'," Stiles tried to cover up as I nodded.

"Listen, I've got something to take care of, but I'm gonna be there tonight. I mean, your first game," Papa Stilinski told his son as I just leaned on the doorway and smiled at the two.

"I should leave, you're having a moment," I suddenly said as there was a quick moment of awkward silence as I walked past them both to the kitchen to grab a drink. Stayed there until his dad went past me and I sent him a smile.

"He's really playing?"

"Oh yeah," I chuckled. "Can't wait, see you there?" I asked as I held a glass of water.

"Yeah, of course," he nodded, taking a step closer, as if he was about to tell me a secret, "Take care of him, okay?"

"Okay," I chuckled quietly with a smile as he patted my shoulder, thanked me and left.

The moment the front door closed, I put down the glass and ran up the stairs, going two at a time before I pushed my way through to Sitles' room and saw him sitting at his chair as I stood with my hand on the doorknob and Stiles has curled his lips in, eyes wide as I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around for Derek.

"Oh my God," I mumbled as I pulled the door away, to close it, to see Derek behind it with a scowl on his face and a red nose. "I'm so sorry," I tried to hold my sniggers back as he huffed and closed the door while I took a few steps away from him. You know, just for safety.

"So Scott didn't get the necklace?" Derek asked, ignoring me, talking to Stiles.

"No. He's still working on it. Our back up is Sky's gender identity and stereotype," he nodded to me as I waved a hand.

"But, there is something else we can try," I told Derek as he started to be impatient, making him glance over before I let Stiles take the word.

It's like we choreographed it...

"The night we were trapped at the school, Scott sent a text to Allison, asking her to meet him there," he started.


"Do you really think it was Scott?" I asked, an eyebrow raised skeptically as I got the famous Hale glare in response.

"Well, can you find out who sent it?" Derek asked.

The Sky That Cleared [1] | Teen Wolf {Stilinski} | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now