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[Five; Roscoe and Nancy]

    "Skylar! Hurry up!" I basically tore the door open as Scott just shot me a charming smile and I looked at him, raising an eyebrow as he chuckled but lifted up a wrapped present and I had to forgive him. "Come on!"

    "I'm here, holy crap, I'm right here, calm down!" I rushed out of the house, pulling the door shut, but it opened again the moment I reached the last step.

    "So how are you going to see Stiles without his present, Skylar?!" I huffed before turning back to Noah and pulling my attempt at a charming smile.

    "That's what I have you for," I grinned and he chuckled. "Thank you!" I hopped up two steps and took the bag with a quick thanks.

    "Happy birthday," Noah told me with a small smile.

    "Thanks, Noah!" I replied as I rushed down the stairs and hopped onto Scott's bike's handlebars.

    "Be careful!" Noah cautioned.

    "I'll be back by eight! Thank you!" I replied as Scott started pedalling and we made our way to Stiles', where Scott dropped the bike once we got off and rushed to the door where I fished my key out and opened the door, the sheriff watching us with a small smile.

    "He's in his room, he's not up yet," he told us before taking the coffee in his hands "Happy birthday Skylar," he told me and I threw the set of keys to him, which he caught and making his way out. "I'll text," he added before giving me a quick hug. "Your present's on the kitchen counter."

    "You didn't have to," I immediately told him.

    "Yeah I did," he replied before leaving and closing the door behind him.

    "I'll get breakfast," I said, taking Scott's present and putting the two bags onto the table in the kitchen before getting to making some food. I was in the middle of turning an omelette when I heard a thump. I'm guessing Stiles flailed and fell off the bed.

    With a chuckle, I put the two ready plates onto the table and put the basket of toast and plate of bacon on there as well before finally flipping the last omelette and plating it. I heard the two running down the stairs when I was just putting my plate of breakfast onto the table, looking up to see Stiles dressed and Scott grinning his head off. "Happy birthday," I smiled wide at Stiles whose jaw had dropped at the food. Yeah, he took a while.

    "Oh my God," I heard him say before I was crushed in a hug, making me say the same three words, but laughing after anyway, winding my arms around our older friend. "Happy birthday, birthday twin," he told me quietly as he held me with a strong grip.

    "Happy birthday," I said again with a smile. "We got you presents and I made breakfast," I grinned wider as we let go and he nodded frantically before slipping into a seat, the three of us leaving one for his dad. "Okay, so Scott and I planned one-half of the day, and your dad had this morning," I told him as I turned off the stove and finally took a seat as well between the two of them.

    "I don't care, as long as we don't sit at home and have to do Harris' homework, I am fine," he said as he piled the food high.

    "Oh don't worry, that's not in our plans," Scott told him as we dug in. For a couple fo seconds, all we could hear was the cutlery scraping against the plates before I looked up to grab a slice of toast and some butter, but their stares on me made me stop. "Dude, this is so good!" Scott almost exclaimed, making me fight to hold back my chuckles.

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