T h i r t e e n

413 16 13

Thirteen [The Heart's Weaknesses]

Nightmares were never an issue with me. I had nightmares at points in my life, sure, like everyone, but they were never ones where I was paralysed, unable to wake up. My nightmares were the usual ones; falling, running and unable to reach something, but this was not something I had before. I had flashbacks to when I was still with Jena, and flashes of Stiles with red eyes. Why would I even have those dreams?

    "You were running from him?" Noah asked. I'd fallen asleep while doing homework, and now it was about six in the evening as the two of us sat and talked over some Chinese take-out.

    "Yeah, but that's stupid. Stiles wouldn't ever be an alpha. If he was bitten, he couldn't kill all of his pack mates. He's not a killer," I told him, sighing before I pinched some noodles.

    "Isn't that what Jena did?" Noah asked, making the food stop halfway towards my mouth.

    "What did you say?" I asked, eyes lifting to him as he kept eating, like there was nothing wrong.

    "I'm just saying, isn't that how Jena got her alpha status?" he asked, but I don't think he saw me drop my chopsticks, my hands clenching into fists.

    "Noah, who told you that?" I asked, trying to slow my heartbeat down.

    "Christopher," he shrugged, finally looking up, seeing me struggling, but his eyes were pulled to my clenched fists. "Sky-"

    "No, just- Just stop talking," I told him, trying to breathe. I'd never felt like this before. This was a werewolf thing, not a human thing, and while I was half dead, I was still human. We tried and failed with those white mist things that were supposed to be protection.

    "Skylar, look at your hands," he said, his voice urgent as I glanced down and saw my hands glowing white, making me feel even warmer, feeling flushed.

    "Oh my- What?!" okay, now can I freak out?

    "Open your hands," he said.

    "No, no, no," I shook my head as I tried to hide my hands, but he got up and pulled my hands out, the force I was grasping onto pushing my fingers out so I had to let go. The white glowing ball of mist hit Noah in the chest, pushing him back onto the floor as he let out a groan before my other hand opened and the ball started to go towards him before a familiar white coat appeared and absorbed the mist into himself.

    "I see you just proved yourself wrong," Christopher spoke to me as he helped Christopher up.

    "Christopher, what the hell?!" I exclaimed, watching my hands as they absorbed the remainder of the loose mist and they turned back to my normal hands.

    "Remember when I said about you being protective?" Noah asked, groaning again as he stretched his arms. "I kind of wasn't kidding," he said as he leaned down and then stood straight, pulling his arms back, touching his elbows behind his back.

    "That's one way of putting it," Christopher nodded.

    "How did I do that?" I asked the latter.

    "Strong emotions. They're pretty powerful, you know," he shrugged, smiling slightly. "And we know Jena didn't kill anyone," he added, making me sigh out.

    Well that's one way to find out my powers and that people are trying to anger me to help me find that out...

    "Wait, strong emotions. Heart beat. I get it," I looked to Noah.

    "What controls a werewolf," he shrugged.

    "So-" I was rudely interrupted by a knock on the door, making me sigh as Christopher vanished. I rolled my eyes before asking Noah if he was okay but he just waved me off before sitting at the table again and I grabbed my box, walking over to the door.

The Sky That Cleared [1] | Teen Wolf {Stilinski} | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now