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Aadhya's POV

"...I want to close by again recognizing this special beginning and new adventure. Welcome to the University of St Teresa -" Sitting in this magnificent auditorium, I'm listening to my university dean who is motivating us by explaining the academics, extracurricular, opportunities and what not does this college has to offer. 

I turned to my right to Anaya, sitting with a bored expression making her chewing gum pop every now and then.

Anaya Kapoor, my best friend since childhood. We met when we were 6 or 7 years old and she is the extra extrovert who would never stop talking while I being the silent introvert would listen to her blabber. She is majoring in psychology while I'm majoring in fashion. 

"...So let's see what we can do to improve education and our world — together."

At the end of his speech everyone stands up and the auditorium fills with everyone cheering and clapping and by default my hands join them too.

"Silence everyone! " One of the faculty members breaths in the mic, literally "I am Vidhya Banerjee and Welcome to the University of St. Teresa. There are 8 tables in front, each representing a department.

Make sure you collect all your class schedules, ID card, and other documents stating the basic rules and regulations. And while doing so I expect you to maintain decorum." She tilted her head a little lower and pushed her glasses that were sitting on the other edge of her nose using her index finger. She was scrutinizing everything that fell under her gaze.

I suddenly hear someone mockingly comment "Expect you to maintain decorum" I turn to see it is my best friend Anaya.

I shake my head and bite a chuckle back at her antics. I stood up along with her to get my documents.

"We are third grade kids or what. She is perfect for teaching law! Good luck to those who are stuck with her for the next two years." she continues as we start walking.

"We are not getting rid of school so easily." I reply with a sigh as we step down the small stairs.

I say "okay then let's get our docs" she responded with a thumbs up and stood in queue for the respective department tables.

10 minutes later I get my turn to collect all those documents. As I find my way to Anaya, I take out the class schedule and scan through it. Our classes start officially from tomorrow so we're free until then.

I look around in search of Anaya but I don't find her. Shuffling all the documents to my left hand I stand in the middle of the auditorium taking out my phone from my back pocket of my jeans to call her.

Just then I feel I bump into something so I turn behind to be greeted by a rather pretty looking girl on the floor picking up her set of documents. I assume she dropped it when she bumped into me. So I bend down to help her with her stuff.

She looks at me and mumbles "thank you"

After picking up all the papers we get up. "Sorry I was so engrossed in checking my schedule that I didn't notice" she says with an apologetic smile on her face.

She no doubt looks stunning in those high-waist jeans that complement her hourglass body. I already fell like she is going to be popular, especially amongst the male population.

"Hey don't worry it! I was excited to see my schedule as well." I replied with a warm smile.

"I'm Aditi. Aditi Sharma. I have taken up business administration with finance and accounting" she says with a dazzling smile on her face and thrusting her right hand out for me.

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