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Aadhya's POV

I never supported the stupid idea that the boys planned, yet I caved in. The plan feels like it is straight out of a romance book or tv series. I feel terrible to use Aarav in the plan and he doesn't even know it.

But I guess it wouldn't hurt him if he didn't know about it. I'm low key excited but I only pray to god for nothing to go wrong.

Now as per the plan, Aarav has reached the club and has met everyone including Reyhaan. He has been completely silent ever since Aarav came, but again Aarav reached a couple of minutes later Reyhaan reached. So I can't really make any judgment about his silence.

"Want some drinks?" Aarav asks me

I shrug "Sure"

He immediately scurries off to get us one. In the meantime I see Dhruv and Anaya on the stage. Anaya is trying to make him dance but he is terribly failing at it. But in a few moves, he finally catches the rhythm and they smoothly start dancing.

I chuckle at them. How perfectly made for each other they are.

"What are you looking at?" Aarav slightly nudges my shoulder with his

I shake my head "Nothing just looking at my best friend"

I take my vodka shot glass from his hand and then I look at him grinning.

"Cheers!" We raise our hands, the sound of clinking glass cuts through the loud music. The cold and bitter drink burns my throat.

"Yuck! But I enjoy it" I say, which makes him laugh.

"So" A sly smirk stretches on my lips "Did you or did you not ask Chetna?"

"I did" He replies "I was highly motivated by you and a day later I did ask her out. She said yes and I can't thank you enough. Actually she also asked me to thank you on her behalf"

I grin widely "I'm glad, I could help"

We talked for some time before he asked "wanna dance?"

"Sure" I agree

He extends his hand to help me get down the stool. I eye his hand while joking "Are you sure Chetna would approve this?"

He laughs at me question "She is not the jealous type don't worry"

I join his laughter too while holding his hand. Once I get down, I link my arm with his instead of holding hands. We walk to the dance floor and I join Anaya, Aditi and Dhruv.

"Whohoo" They scream

I must say the Dj is too good, I love the choice of songs they are playing. I've not been able to stand still ever since I stepped in the room. My body automatically has started grooving to the music beats.

The girls and I sway our hips and dance showing off our desi girl vibes. Aarav starts doing a very broken form of moon walk but we hype him so much that he thinks he's michael jackson. Aditi pulls him to do some salsa and because Anaya was holding me and laughing at him, we both groove in ourselves.

She says something but I don't hear due to the loud music so she repeats it again this time in my ears "What is Aarav doing here?"

I frown while putting my hands on her shoulders "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Even I didn't know Aarav was coming today, which means there's something I don't know"

"Nothing is going on Anaya" I refrain myself from telling the truth

She gives me a long look before saying "Fine, whatever it is I hope you know what you're doing"

I give her a nod and not long after which Aarav interrupts "Mind if I cut in?"

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