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Reyhaan's POV

The first time Tanya and I hooked up was during a party and we both were pretty drunk. That was only once..

Okay that's a lie

We hooked up more than once but I did make it very clear that there would be no strings attached. All we do is just have sex and then she goes her way and I go mine. But after a point she got really clingy and started spreading rumors around the campus that we're dating.

Which is not true! Before we started this benefits thing, I told her frankly that I wouldn't offer her more than this and she agreed.

"Of course Rey I understand! I'm not interested in having a relationship either. No strings attached"

She threatened all the girls in the campus along with her minions, Eesha and Zara, it got pretty wild and crazy. She's a psycho I know! Her being the head cheerleader also doesn't help as she keeps buzzing around. Like now she has crashed our game.

"Never have I ever drunk dialed my ex" Aditi says while everyone takes a sip except for myself, Aadhya and Rishi

Utkarsh goes next "Never have I ever gone skinny dipping" No one takes a sip except for Tanya which doesn't shock me but I see Anaya and Aadhya giggling and slowly they take a sip making my eyes widen.

"Uh-huh spill" Aditi says while Tanya rolls her eyes

Aadhya shrugs "there is nothing to say. We had a girls trip to the UK and we visited the Blackmoss Pot. It was early in the morning, no one was there so we thought why not"

"Alright my turn now never have I ever had sex in a car" Eesha says continuing the game to which in response all of us boys, Tanya and Zara.

Sid being the inquisitive idiot he is, he asks "Who was your first Anaya?"

"oh uh I don't wanna take names but someone from high school" she says

Prying further he then asks "what about you Aadhya?"

Her eyes widen having the attention on her as she looks like deer caught in headlight "uh well -I-uh I" she pauses dramatically as I take a sip of my drink feeling my throat dry "I've never had sex"

Hearing this I choke on my drink making me cough rigorously. Dhruv immediately pats my back as I hear Tanya sneer " Obviously! you do give the whole virgin mary vibes. Such a good girl"

Even though my blood boils hearing her comment I wait for Aadhya's response while everyone looks at three mean girls with distaste as they laugh loudly. I look at Aadhya who seems to have a straight face and then says in a cool and collected manner "At Least that's better than being a whore"

I roll my tongue against my cheek to stop myself from smiling, hearing her reply. The grin on Tanya's face drops down immediately as she fumes in anger.

"Are you calling me a whore?" Tanya accuses

Raising an eyebrow Aadhya savagely replies "I never said that but can't help if you think of yourself as one"

I have a small smile on my face while everyone bursts into laughter. Zara and Eesha look at each other with a guilty expression and then look at Tanya who looks extremely furious.

"You-" she starts to say something but I intervene "Tanya not a word. Go back to your seat"

"Rey! Why the fuck are you supporting this bitch over me?" She argues

I warn her "Mind your language. And don't test my patience, so get lost" Wisely, she along with her friends, go to their seats

"That was mind blowing Aadhya"

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