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Reyhaan's POV

I plan my day, I plan everything I'm gonna do next. I'm the type of person who likes having things under control. It has to work the way it should, or more precisely the way I want it to work, it has got to favor me. Up until now there hasn't been anything which I've not controlled. I strive to control, it gives me a thrill and it flows in my blood.

But it so happens that even if I try hard, I can't control certain situations. Like death. And lately myself when it comes to Aadhya.

For the first time I feel so out of control everytime I'm around her. My mind and heart are never on the same path when it comes to her. I feel so disoriented and helpless. She is the only thing I have in my mind. When I'm in class, at home, during practice all I think about is what is she doing right now?

It's been 3 days since her birthday. 3 days since we first kissed. I can still feel her soft lips against mine. Her taste still lingers in my mouth. She is so addicting. I've never felt that way with anyone else. I can't help but admit that kissing her wasn't just a moment of lust, it was something more as well. But it shouldn't. It can not mean anything in that direction.

The worst part is that I'm craving for more. Like I need to, I want to kiss her again, touch her again, caress her again. I want to be close to her, I want her constant touch.

Fuck I hate feeling so desperate for someone.

We never spoke about it but it was all cool between us. Well I'm glad that she didn't mistake that kiss into something else, because I myself don't know how I feel about it. Fucking hell I'm so confused.

"Bro you're not concentrating. You lost again" Dhruv sighs while keeping the remote controller on the side of my bed.

We're playing on Xbox and I've been losing all the rounds because of a certain someone.

I run my hands through my hair in frustration, after throwing the remote controller aside.

"What did you do now?" He asks me, narrowing his eyes, weirdly certain about it.

"Nothing" I reply shortly

I stand up and start walking in the room because I feel restless. He shrugs and starts scrolling through his phone.

The fuck?

Something hits my brain cells and the next thing I know I'm holding Dhruv by his collar "Saale kutte, Every time you have a 'crisis' don't I ask before you telling me? You won't ask your bestfriend. what's wrong?"

I leave him before settling on the bed again.

He gives me a scowl "I did asshole but you sa-" Before he could complete I blurted out "I kissed Aadhya"

His facial expressions have oddly changed to an unsurprised look.

"I know" He states

Confused, I ask with a frown "What? When? How?"

"I knew it that day itself, when you guys came back from 'buying ice cream'" my face turns more confused so before I ask he elaborates his answer "Well first Anaya found Aadhya's lipstick faded but then we thought maybe y'all would have eaten something or it would have just gone. Then I saw slight lipstick smudged on your lips. So it isn't rocket science to figure that y'all made out and before you ask everyone were too busy to notice anything."

With a deep sigh I ask "Why did you not ask me anything?"

"I figured you'd tell to me eventually when you're ready to talk about it"

"There is nothing to talk about" I snap

"Right that is why you're so restless ever since then" He sarcastically comments

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