21 | SIN

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Reyhaan's POV

Finally Sunday is here. Last week was super hectic with classes and at work so the only day I get to rest is on Sunday. The coming week will be jam packed because of Diwali, the new collection will be released in our showroom in two days.

Because of this I haven't spent much time with my family as well. Speaking of family, I haven't seen Dhruv properly for the last few days. We live together, work together, go to college together. We literally see each other's face 24/7, but suddenly not seeing him is kinda weird.

Every time I go to his room I see him on the phone talking to someone. Even this morning at the dining table during breakfast, he was glued to his phone and the suspicious part is that he was smiling like a fool.

He's hiding something from me and I will make sure he tells me even if I have to beat him to death. Asshole.

I walk to his room which is literally next to mine. I'm about to knock on his door but because it is open I barge in. He is sitting on the bed again, his eyes glued to his phone. He looks up hearing the door open, and seeing my serious expression he swallows thickly, knowing exactly why I'm here.

"So what's going on with you?" I ask without beating around the bush

He shrugs looking completely oblivious "Nothing, why do you ask?"

I roll my eyes at his act "Stop playing dumb Dhruv. Just answer me. You've been distracted for the past few days. You hardly come over to my room at night like you always do. When I come you're always either talking on your phone or texting. What's the matter?"


I interrupt him "Don't you dare lie to me" I warn him

He sighs defeatedly and finally admits knowing no point in denying "Okay fine. You're right there's something going on but it isn't like a sure thing. I mean I don't even know if it is a thing, maybe it's just me who thinks that, it could potentially be a thing but-"

I stop him from further stress "Do you like someone?"

He looks like a deer caught in light. He doesn't say anything to deny it, basically giving me my answer. I sit on his bed and I ask him "why the hell did you hide it from me? Dhruv you know you can tell me anything right? Did I say something which made you hide this from me?"

He denies "The fuck? Rey there's nothing like that okay. How would I tell you something that I didn't know"

With a teasing grin I ask him "So who is the lucky girl my brother has a crush on huh?"

His ears and cheek turn pink like a lovesick puppy. "Okay wait let me guess" I say pretending to think but the answer is so damn easy "Is it someone from the first year, who is a little too loud and sassy. Is she studying psychology and we meet her everyday at the café during our breaks"

He only blushes more furiously and he is fucking so shy that he can't even see me in the eyes "Perhaps this certain someone is named Anaya Kapoor?"

His eyes finally snap towards mine at the speed of lightning and he stutters "ho-how do you know?"

I squeeze his shoulder as I smugly say "I'm your best friend you asshole I know you from birth and I know you better than you. Do you think I will miss you gazing at her when you think no one is looking. Or when you fight for some alone time with her? You're not that sneaky after all"

"Right" He nods grinning

"So how did this happen?"

"Well I guess she intrigued me from the very beginning. Like from that first dinner, I liked her not like a crush but there was something. But slowly on the trip when we got some time alone I kinda realized that I was crushing on her." He says, fondly thinking about those moments.

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