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Aadhya's POV

"You may call the bride" The priest announced

We all turned together, staring at the entry waiting for her to make an entrance.

After the henna function, there was haldi the next day and sangeet in the evening. Honestly I don't remember how these two days passed by, it literally flew. I enjoyed it so much! There were games arranged for entertainment and more than the fun part, it was mostly hilarious. The way all the elders are dragged into the game and the host makes them do things that I cringed at. The typical stuff.

But nevertheless I enjoyed it thoroughly. There was music and dance and food, so all in all it was a typical big fat Indian wedding.

Suddenly a song started playing, making everyone go silent in seconds. The doors opened revealing Reyhaan and Dhruv holding a blanket decorated with flowers and lights. As they stepped forward, the bride came into the view along with her bridesmaids.

She wore a beautiful red lehenga matching it with gold jewelry but the most beautiful accessory she wore was the million dollar grin. She was radiating with happiness and her eyes were only and I repeat only on the love of her life.

They walked until a few steps before the mandap where the others stopped and she was only walking forward. Arjun, the groom, stepped down a few steps extending his hand to help her which she took. Once she was on the same level, he engulfed her in a hug making the audience go mad.


They all erupted in claps and laughter but the couple didn't care about a single soul in the room. Soon the rituals started making me wonder about how beautiful it is when two people who love each other immensely come together. From seeing each other secretly to finally getting married with all your loved ones in the same room.

My thoughts get interrupted by Aditi as the rituals finally get over "let's go c'mon"

I nod as we go to the dining hall. For in and about two hours we roam around the hall, trying out every damn thing. First we just see what all dishes are available and then god knows how many times we went around.

Don't judge us. We like exploring and eating.

"I'm gonna get myself a water bottle, you want?" I ask Neel who has stayed with me while everyone else except for Dhruv and Reyhaan are slowly walking towards the exit.

"No but I'll come with you" He says but I shake my head, "No, no it's fine. It's here only, you go I'll be back"

As we part ways, I grab some water and after drinking the entire bottle I go to the bin to throw it out.

I'm about to turn around and leave but a glass door catches my attention. On the other side it looks like it's a garden or a lawn area. I walk towards the door and once I reach it I hold the handle which is freezing due to the centralized air conditioning. As I step out the chilled air wraps around me like a blanket. It's so cold.

The shrubs and trees are decorated with light all over the lawn. While looking around I find a bench so I make my way towards it. After being in the chattery and loud atmosphere for so long, I just want to be somewhere at peace. Like silence.

This feels so serene. The weather, the few stars twinkling in the dark sky, the lights all around the place. I wish I had a blanket with myself to smush up in it.

I remove my heels which gives me immediate relief. My legs have been hurting since god knows when. There's enough space for me to pull my legs up, so I sit with my legs folded. I'm just trying to find as much comfort as possible because right now all I want is to go home, get rid of these clothes and sleep.

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