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Aadhya's POV

"..we would bunk classes every time possible in the name of sports or any events. Then we would use the back gate to go out. There would be a watchman but he was really chill.." Sid says reminiscing their school memories.

"We would either go to coffee or batter, the barista's and other staffs knew us by name and our regular order" Says Aarav

"Yeah" Prerna says

Manav asks "Remember our farewell? The private one?" Everyone nods "We had so much fun that day. We didn't want to go home only"

A sudden realization sparks in Yashika's eyes "Oh how could I forget that night. It was one of the best nights ever. Right Rey?"

Her eyes are fixed on Reyhaan with a knowing look. A weird awkward silence spreads in the air, everyone looks at each other. I feel Reyhaan's body turning rigid.

"I'm pretty lost" My eyebrows are pinched together as I voice out.

With a smug smile she replies "Oh that was the first time for the both us"

I don't get it. First tim-

Oh. Okay. It was the first time they did it. They were each other's first.

Wow, that was something I was not prepared for. For some reason I couldn't digest it as well. My gaze meets Sid's eyes and I silently ask him if what I'm thinking is true. He hesitantly nods. I take a deep breath and I look at Dhruv and he re-confirms it.

I try really hard to not show any emotion on my face. Because I'm just pretending to be his girlfriend. I'm not his actual girlfriend to be mad or upset about it.

"Oops" Yashika wickedly says "sorry I didn't realize-"

"There is nothing you should be sorry about" I interrupt her, to handle the situation maturely like a girlfriend should. I don't want it to look bad for Reyhaan.

"What happened before is none of my business. I honestly don't care as well" I briefly pause when I feel Reyhaan's intense gaze on me "because it was in the past and I am his present"

"And future too" Reyhaan says immediately, making me snap my neck towards him so fast that it would fall off.

I feel butterflies erupting in my chest.

I must say that Reyhaan is really good at acting. I mean I would have believed those words were real, if I didn't know it was fake.

The corners of his eyes are softer than usual, and his eyes are moist, filled with adoration and love that any boyfriend must have.

It's fake. All of it. I remind myself repeatedly

"Am I really witnessing the same anti-love Rey? bro you're so whipped" Rudra comments making me break my eye contact with Reyhaan. And my cheeks turn red when everyone teases us.

"Aadhya you're so lucky to find a guy who openly says these things" Prerna says feeling a little envious of the type of relationship but mostly happy that we've found each other.

If only she knows

Before I can reply to her, Reyhaan beats me to it "I'm more lucky to have found Aadhya. She's the most passionate and loving woman I've ever met. There will no one be like her and even if there is, I don't want anyone else"

My heart hammers behind the Rib Cage because it's quite difficult not to after hearing him say these things.

"Aw I think I'm gonna tear up guys" Sara says making all of us laugh lightening up the mood.

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