41 | PLAN

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Aadhya's POV

Stress is defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. It occurs to different degrees for different people depending on the crisis. Everyone deals with it differently as well, like some people eat a lot, listen to music or there are some people who are just so sure that something is wrong which only increases the stress levels. Like me

"Are you sure everything is checked?" I ask Aarav for the 365th time

He lets out a huge sigh "Yes Aadhya we checked. You proofread it like 10 times and you made me read it 3 times. There are no errors"

"There is no harm in checking it once again, I'll quickly scan through it once again" I plead

He sternly nods his head negatively and clicks on the send button.

Today is our submission date for our entrepreneurship project and I couldn't sleep the entire night thinking the worst of what could happen. From morning I'm down 7 cups of coffee and if the eye bags are of any sign, then please let it be of the hard work that we've put in.

He gives me a side hug while sitting, feeling all excited about the completion and I return it back with the same enthusiasm.

"Fucking finally we are done with this bullshit" He says closing his laptop

I bobble my head agreeing with him "I know right, it felt like forever. So what plans do you have today?"

I don't miss the slight tint of pink on his cheeks

"Are you blushing?" I giggle "Who's the luck girl? Or boy"

He waves his hand at me "No one"

"Oh c'mon don't play hard now. You can tell, I might even share some tips with you"

"Fine. Her name is Chetna, she's- I've known from school but we uh recently got close. We aren't dating though"

"But you wish you were" I add to tease him and he only rolls his eyes while blushing

"Has she given you any signals? Do you have any idea if she likes you maybe" I ask trying to help him

He thinks about it for a good minute before replying "Well occasionally she holds my arm, there are times when she waits for me when others have already left ahead"

"She likes you. Go for it, just tell her you like her. I'm sure she is waiting for you to say something because she thinks you aren't interested in her" I utter the first thing that comes in my mind

"Speaking out of experience?" He retorts

I feel a little gob smacked, no idea what to reply. More like should I tell him the truth or should I just hide it. Both have their own pros and cons. I go with the latter

"Nah, just saying what every girl feels"


We continue talking about some general things here and there until the girls come

"I hope you didn't miss me too much" Aditi throws herself on me

I laugh. I hype her "Oh you have no idea"

"Hi Aarav" She greets him who gets up to leave, so she adds "Bye Aarav"

"Bye girls"

"So what plans do we have?"

"We are going to watch the boys play" Anaya grins while dragging me out of the café.

"..She literally doesn't miss one chance to embarrass me. Even today it wasn't my fault I swear, the guy next to me wanted a pen and I gave it to him. Like something so simple that you don't care. But she does. That Dracula hates me so much and every class she wants to pick a fight with me" Aditi says about her disastrous class. Her accounting teacher has been a pain in the ass from the beginning.

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