44 | FOR ME

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Reyhaan's POV

Two months later

Before I started my third year of college, if someone would have told me that I would be dating someone by the end of this year, then not only would I have laughed but also beaten that guy up. As cheesy as it sounds, I never in a million years thought about dating anyone, at least not this soon. But as they say, expect the unexpected and this is something I wish to treasure until my last breath.

March is almost coming to an end which means that it has been slightly over two months since we started dating. I've never really had an actual girlfriend before and Aadhya being my first is both enchanting and terrifying. It's terrifying because I'm quite new to this game and I'm sometimes a little lost as to what to do or how to handle her sometimes. Because what we have is something so great and fabulous that I worry I might just mess things up. However it has been quite easy because I'm truly in love with her. So most of the things come out naturally, like my questions out of concern or understanding her 'nothing' which means 'everything'. Additionally, it's also easy to be with her, she's a very affable and understanding person. I generally don't believe in this past life getting back to you but I guess I really did something so good and generous that in this life, god has sent her to me.

For me.

'TING' the oven timer goes off which means the cupcakes are ready. Yes I do bake at times, when I'm free and bored.

It is one of the very rare Sundays where I'm alone and restless because the elders of the family have gone to Udaipur to attend a distant relative's wedding. Now because they are distant relatives, the kids are at home without any adult supervision which means they are free to do anything they wish. Rysa and Nysa have gone for a sleepover with their friends, while Dhruv is with Anaya obviously.

And what am I doing here alone? Baking because my girlfriend is too busy and has got no time for me. A month ago Aadhya started interning for one of the best fashion designer's firm. Her design professor was impressed by Aadhya skills and designs so she put a word for her and passed on some information about recruitment and openings in the company. But after that it's all her talent, her efforts and her passion that actually got her the internship. She actually is so talented and passionate about fashion that I can already see her becoming this great designer and being the top of the business. I'd do anything and everything to support her dream. There's some fashion week coming in a few days and that has kept her glued to her office on a Sunday too.

After letting the cupcakes cool down for some time, I start icing them with whipped cream.

"Hello" I turn around when I suddenly hear a voice only to find out it's Aadhya. I keep the piping bag on the counter and walk towards her to hug her.

I missed her and her warmth and her hugs and her smell. She tiptoes to hug me while I say "Hey, I missed you so much"

"Ugh me too"

Once I leave her, she asks me looking at the counter "You are baking?"

I chuckled at her while booping her nose "I was bored and everyone had something to do so yeah but what are you doing here?"

I walk back towards the cupcakes while she settles herself on the counter as she replies "Well we have our lunch break but I already had a sandwich at 12:30 ish because I was hungry at that time so I thought I'd meet you instead"

I hum while icing "So how was work?"

She groans loudly "God don't even ask me, it's super hectic. If one issue gets solved then another arises. Farah the designer I'm working under is not even the main designer okay but oh my god does she act like one. It's already so difficult to work with or around her on normal days but right now it feels like I'm walking on burning coal. One hand, Farah is constantly nagging and bossing around me and on top of that there are other designers and models and other people from the core team eating my head. I feel like quitting already"

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