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Ben slowly turns around, Rook is finally holding the breakfast bag in hand, and the err by both nervously smile. Emma scowls slightly trying to understand their motive "We will probably stay for a week or so" Ben says with hope and assuredness "And what brings you to our small town we don't have many visitors" 

"We just wanted to chill, relax, and stay at hotels," Ben says chuckling as Rook rolls his eyes with a smile. "Now excuse me but my double chilly burger isn't gonna eat itself" he and Rook walk out of the room with a stunned and flabbergasted Regina "Just who are they!" she says directly to the blonde savior 

"how would I now?" she says accusing her back, they both grab a chair two the closest table booth and dit down. "What's their story," she says with worry "Not sure, I would think it was normal but..." "But what?" the regional says slowly. Emma sighs at this "But they lied to me, twice now" "and how can you be certain" Regina says with a scoff "Trust me I know if someone lying and they are"

 silence emerged as Regina and Emma think on at what to do until Regina's eyes landed on Henry "And we gotta get you to school mister" Henry frowned at this and looked at Emma for support "Sorry buddy, my job is to protect you and your job is going to school" he sighs at this as he leaves the table "keep me posted ?" he says directly to Emma "sure buddy" she says with a knowing smile. 

"So," Emma says once Henry leaves the door " I know these guys lied but they could just be a normal passerby now wanting to divulge their story" Regina scoffs at this getting Emma's attention. "What?" Emma said looking for answers "It's because they lied that we can't trust their story" Regina said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, Emma rolled her eyes at this as she thought. "Well? what now" "What do you mean what now?" "I mean I can't just go follow these guys or knock on their door asking them about their secret past now can I?" she says in mockery 

"no, but you can do some digging on these guys, check if they're giving anything" "And why should I do that?" Regina chuckles "Because I named you sheriff and it's your job to do as they say" "And we went over this before, it's not exactly a felony to stay here in the storybook" "Will you just do this for me!" she says shocking Emma "look I don't want shady guys running around my town where my son is," she says genuinely rather shocking Emma "ok, alright I'll look into it," she says with a serious face.
Later that day
Emma heads home, or rather with the person whose home she's staying with, Married Margaret is her name and she works as a school teacher. She opens the door "Welcome home dear" the lady says in a mock town "Emma registers this as she walks past "Hey, what's wrong?" her friend asks curiously. She's positioned on the couch facing the TV just behind the door, she motions to her with her hand to sit beside her" she sits down next to said handle  "now, what happened" she chuckled, how do you know something happened"

 "well I've known you for a couple of weeks now so I think I've learned a thing or two" They both chuckle at this as a pause rains through "It's nothing, it's just new visitors from out of town are here, and Regina wants me to do some dining on them" " whys that," she asks with empathetic curiosity " because they lied twice two me now" " you used your superpower?" "yeah, I could tell they were lying but I'm not sure if they're bad people" "Well if there bad you right and if there good you don't gotta worry about it. " thanks" Emma smiled "I needed to hear this" "no problem, anytime, she said rubbing her back"

"Agggghhhhhhnnnnnn" a roaring sound makes itself known through the horizon "Do you have to yawn that loud" Rook says to Ben, sitting at a park bench eating their breakfast. As Ben eats his food they talk more strategy "So we have to leave, how do we do that" Rook asks as Ben finishes what's left in his mouth "We can try leaving?" Ben says flatly eating, a perplexed look formed from Rook "I haven't thought of that, but will it work, whatever brought us here was powerful enough to dimensional warp us from one place to another" "One way to find out"Ben says with a wink

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