Chapter 15 : The Trade

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"You." said the man, holding his hand out, Anthony turned to Chiyo in horror, "No you can go with him, he's going to sacrifice you!" Anthony said holding her shoulder, Chiyo fought back sobs as she tried to form a coherent sentence, "I-its just, i can't live without both of you, and i barely know you two." She said, "So you would rather us suffer then you?" Anthony ask stepping away, Chiyo slowly nodded, "You selfish traitor!" Anthony gasped, his eyes growing more glassy.

Chiyo bit back a sob, she knew that she had ruined a friendship that she could have had with Anthony, by sacrificing herself, because she couldn't find the heart to live without both of them, she was selfish, and she knew it.

The man yanked on Chiyo's arm, as she stood staring at Anthony, "Do you want to save your father or not?!" he asked, yelling in her ear, Chiyo flinched, but brought herself back together, slowly nodding. The man then teleported her to a dark room.

In the room layed a large rectangular table in the middle of the room, surrounding the table, were people in black cloaks, each of them wore a masquerade mask over their eyes. There, at the head of the table, was a familiar old woman, her brown hair peppered with gray strands. Her gray eyes pierced through Chiyo from under her mask.

"I see you brought the girl, let him go." said the woman. "Arwynn, you let her go! Use me instead!" said Ishton as he was pulled away. "Oh me dear girl, he doesn't know what he's saying, being in this old musty place." she said, as she nervously chuckled. Chiyo looked at her with a straight face, "What do you want to use me for?" she asked

Arwynn looked at her bug eyed, "Astoria, can you bring her to me." said Arwynn, holding her hand, "If it's another vision, i want any of it." said calmly, yanking her arm back, "Oh but you need to see what will happen to your friends." Arwynn said her hand still held out.

"Say why are you the only one that can make visions? Others have to use mirrors i've noticed." Chiyo said, "Did you create this world?" Chiyo asked, still fighting for her arm. "I think you should shut your mouth." Astoria hissed out.

Chyio then stopped fighting for her arm, calmly walking to Arwynn. "Look, if you want to live, I recommend not fighting me." Arwynn said under her breath. As she put two fingers on Chiyo's forehead, on her finger was a ring.

Chiyo jolted back, her head bumping with Astorias hand. "What do you think you're doing?" Astoria said looking at her, her eyes glowing a bright gold. Astoria let out a small blast of power from her hand, bumping Chiyo into Arwynns fingers.

Chiyo dodged the fingers, she turned around facing Astoria with a grim expression. "I am not here to be brainwashed, I'm here to help people!" Chiyo said getting up. "Well if you see this vision, you can help them." Arwynn said, her eyes glowing a silver.

"Not that way!" Chiyo said, as Arwynn rose, "I don't want to have a vision about what will happen, I already agreed." Chiyo said. Arwynn stopped, and held her hand out for a small scroll in her hands. The scroll was yellowed, as if it had been around for a long time.

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