Find her, him, it...

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"What happened Felicity? We had them" Oliver says to me using his loud voice.

"Someone put the tracker you tagged them with on the bus to distract you whilst someone else killed them".

"We need to find this person I don't like having another player in my city especially if there killing people".

"There's something else..."


"There blaming the arrow for the four murders there saying he's gone back to killing".

Diggle comes down the stairs with Roy looking confused.

"What did you find?" asks Oliver

"It was a professional job" says Roy

"Roy's right, there was no evidence as to what happened or who did it. the only thing to prove it was a murder is the fact that there were slash marks all over there body's and they were all strangled to death".

"Wait so why are the police blaming the arrow when they know that's not the way he kills people"

"First of all, it's Killed people. and second of all Felicity is right they can't blame me for this if there were no arrows involved"

"That's what we found on the victims" Roy said confusing me even more

Diggle seeing my confusion jumped in and said " what Roy means is that we found the scratch marks and the strangulation wounds...There were three arrows sticking out of there chests, from what it looks like the killer put them in after strangling them"

"Wait how did you get close enough to the body to find all that?" I ask, immediately regretting it because if I'm honest I don't want to know the answer.

"I make an amazingly convincing M.E" said Diggle looking very proud of himself.

"You pretended to be someone from the morgue!" I say with some pride but more anger. "God Diggle there's playing with fire and then there's going to jail for impersonating a government employee".

"That doesn't matter right now what matters is finding her, him, it, who ever this person or animal is"

"What makes you think it could be an animal, I've never heard of an animal that can strangle there victims".

"To kill someone the way these people were killed I would hope it is almost impossible for any human to kill them".

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