Welcome to starling city where murder is most common

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I hate airports.

There crowded and noisy.

Looking for someone here is like, trying to find a needle in a hay stack, its ridiculous!.

"Sophie... is that you"

I turn around and there standing infront of me is, Abby.

I smile "Abby hey" I hugged her "It's so nice to see you. I missed you so much".

"Arrrr I missed you to. It has been to long". She smiles.

"You ready to go?" I asked pulling away from the hug. I look down to see the huge suitcase She'd been dragging behind her.

"Yes I am. I am ready to see your city"

"Yeah..." I say sarcastically "Welcome to Starling City where murder is most common".

We break into laughter.

Just like that everything is back to the way it use to be, except I can't shake that feeling that she's hiding something from me.

Wow my paranoia has really got the best of me.


I walk into my apartment, dropping my keys on the side and sigh in relief that i am home.

Abby comes in after me, dragging that huge suitcase behind her.

"What the hell have you got in there to make it so big, your only here for a few days?".

She scowls at me "don't be a hater okay a girls got needs" she says looking up to see my tiny apartment.

"Wow" she said whilst trying to catch her breath. "I thought my apartment was big".

"What do you mean big, its tiny"

"You have 2 bedrooms, I have 1"

"So it's still tiny compared to some of the other places I've lived in".

"My apartment is like the size of a locker compared to this place".

At this point we broke into laughter, i loved seeing Abby again she makes me feel normal.


We sat on the sofa, i looked at her she was still trying to catch her breath.

"I have to ask, how are you out of breath?, we only walked up 2 flights of stairs" I said looking at her with such amazement.

"Hey don't judge you didn't have to carry this massive suitcase as well as yourself up them stairs"

"All the training we've had and some tiny stairs is what it takes to make you out of breath"

"Im gonna say this as nicely as possible ... Shut up!"

I laugh at her. At least i know her sense of humour is still there.

"Come on i'll show you to your room".

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