"Arrow Stikes Again?"

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"Oliver... You need to see this! You're not gonna believe it" I said as I looked at the most recent news report, which had the title,

The report was about a second murder that had happened the night before. The news report said that the Arrow had to be responsible.
As Oliver read the title the only expression he showed was anger, he began to walk away when he said,
"Felicity I need you to send me the location of that murder so we can check it out and see if anything there can lead us to whoever is actually doing this"

"Be careful out there remember your being hunted, not helped by the police, If you're seen you will have the whole of Starling Cities finest coming for you.


I hated leaving her alone in the base, especially since the return of her long lost sister, when Felicity is alone she has time to think and that just sends her down a spiral of guilt where her sister was concerned.

Don't get me wrong I find it very odd that Felicity just happened to forget to mention that she had a sister, who by all accounts hated Felicity, for reasons unknown to me... Felicity always says that I have too many secrets yet there is this portion of her life I don't know about. I don't want to be angry at her because she is entitled to keep somethings to herself but not this.

All these thoughts were racing through my head that I didn't even notice that Diggle had stop the van and was exiting because we had arrived at the crime scene. I had decided to go as just me... Oliver Queen, the arrow was too risky and I can't afford to be held back by the chase between me and the police when there was this skilled but dangerous killer on the loose.

"From what I have seen so far the victim was brought here to be executed" Diggle said looking around the area with grave concentration.
He continued his conclusion " 2 arrows to the chest tells me execution because they are close range, definitely not self defence, there was no signs of a struggle on the victims body. When Felicity looked at the autopsy she said that the victim had rope indentations on his wrists and ankles, he never stud a chance".

That brought a chill that traveled down my sign.

I reply to Diggle with " If this was an execution then it's likely that so was the first murder, meaning that these people are linked I want to know how".

Once Diggle and I collected what we needed we headed out but not soon enough apparently because just was we got to the van a black car blocked us in.

"What the hell-" said Diggle, I got the impression that he had more to say but stopped when he realised who it was who had blocked us. He gave me a look of concern but not a look that said WE ARE IN DANGER, so I stayed calm but had a small guard up.

When I final got a look at who it was as he exited his car I had only one word in my head and it was not appropriate to say aloud... hint it began with f.

"Detective Lance, you seem to have blocked us in, we were just about to leave I am very busy today" I said with a neutral tone.
Detective Lance was an ally until you messed with his investigation, then to him you were only an obstacle, one he intended to make disappear.

"Clearly you are very busy... contaminating my crime scene. Is there any particular reason why you are here or did you just stumble upon it. Stated Detective Lance, sarcastically.

"I came to see if it was true, if the arrow had returned to murder once again. It's one of those things that I would have to see to believe" I said, again remaining calm and cool.

" well the evidence is enough visual proof for me to believe. He did this and we will get him for this murder, this execution that no man deserved.

Then Detective Lance got back in his car moved out the way of the van, got back out and said,
"Stay away from this Mr.Queen its doesn't concern you".

I raise my hands in surrender and tell him that I have learned my lesson and we leave.

One question was driving me insane as we made our way back to the base, and that was why these people? It's clearly not random so why them?

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