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" Todoroki."

Said boy looked over at the entry of the living room, surprised to see Aizawa dressed formally.

" Is something happening today, Aizawa?" Todoroki asked, cocking his head to the side. Aizawa nodded, " I called your siblings yesterday. They're coming over."

Todoroki's eyes lit up with excitement. " Soon? Are they coming soon?" He asked eagerly.

" They'll be here around Two O'clock. So I need to get you dressed."

Todoroki nodded, now slightly used to getting changed.

Aizawa picked Todoroki up and put him in the wheelchair, wheeling the boy to his bedroom.

Aizawa wheeled him to the guest bedroom, the bed messy and unmade.

" I'll be back." He said, parking the wheelchair by the bed.

A couple of seconds after Aizawa left the room, Yuko came padding into the room mewing softly. She jumped up on Todoroki's lap, her head rubbing against Todoroki's limp arms. She clearly wanted to be petted, something Todoroki couldn't give to her. "Sorry." Todoroki said softly as Yuko continued to rub her head against him. Aizawa came back into the room with a white T-shirt and sweatpants a few moments later.

" Alright," He sighed, bending down in Todoroki's wheelchair. " How are we going to do this?" He asked, but the question wasn't really directed to Todoroki.

Aizawa thought for a moment, then it seemed he came to a decision.

" I'll just put you on the bed and change your pants like that." Aizawa told him, picking Todoroki up, and gently laying him on the bed. As Todoroki layed down Aizawa took off his pants, apologizing after he saw Todoroki's red face.

Todoroki wasn't uncomfortable, not really anyway. He trusted Aizawa and knew he wouldn't do anything weird. He was just embarrassed. After all, his homeroom teacher was changing his clothes.

When Aizawa was done struggling to get the pants on Todoroki, he put on the T-shirt. It was very oversized and almost fell off Todoroki's shoulders, but Todoroki liked it. It was soft and smelled like Aizawa. Which made Todoroki happy.

He didn't know why, but it did.

Aizawa sat him back down in his wheelchair and rolled him back to the living room, Yuko following on Aizawa's heel.

Aizawa sat him down on the sofa, grabbing the TV remote to play something.

Todoroki knew once the TV was on Aizawa would leave. But he didn't want him to leave. Todoroki felt warm and soft. When Aizawa left Todoroki knew that feeling would go away. For a reason Todoroki didn't know, that thought made Todoroki want to cry.

" Aizawa." Todoroki said, without thinking. Catching Aizawa before he turned something on.

Aizawa looked at him, questioningly.

Todoroki hesitated, wanting to suddenly backtrack. To just say nevermind. But he persisted.

" I-umm, I-," Todoroki cleared his throat then started again, " I want to hang out with you, sen- umm, Aizawa."

Aizawa's eyes seemed to soften, his lips curving slightly as if he wanted to smile.

" Your siblings will be coming in an hour. Do you want to watch TV until they come?"

Todoroki smiled. It was small, but it was powerful to Aizawa. His heart felt warm and full, as if it was about to burst.

Aizawa plopped down beside Todoroki, hesitantly grabbing onto Todoroki's hand, his thumb rubbing against Todoroki's knuckles.

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