Prologue - Unexpected Encounters

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No matter how fun a single moment feels, it'll eventually come to an end, and it's up to you to be prepared for what comes next. Six months ago, when I first started my life in highschool, blown away by how such a long period seemed to go by before I knew it, the steady march of time having made the fun I had passed by before I knew it and brought new changes, I came to that realization. After highschool, I'm gonna end up in college, and then eventually end up in the workforce. The fact that these peaceful and lackadaisical days will go by before I know it has made me realize that with the time I still have left, if I wanna make sure I don't regret anything later, I need to find what exactly I want to do with my life, and start down the path of learning it. I've never been able to find something I'm truly passionate about, or any dream, and so before I can end up finding it too late, I will find it.

Or at least I want to, but I've had no luck with that no matter what I try, and because of it, I can't help but feel discouraged.

"Come on Y/n, just enjoy the afternoon." I muttered to myself as I walked. I mean the weather is perfect today and it feels great to be out, so I should just enjoy the moment like I used to. Maybe there's a cafe or something around here where I can get something to eat.
I let out a yawn before I started to wander around the area to see if there's any place in particular that caught my attention, figuring that there's gotta be at least something. It didn't take me too long before I spotted a cafe that was slightly out of the way, and out of curiosity over it, I decided that it sounded as good as any for a place to get something to eat.

As I stepped inside, I saw that while quite a few tables were taken, they weren't incredibly busy, and beside the door was a small owl sitting nearby, and I couldn't help but smile slightly as it looked at me curiously.

"Welcome! Feel free to take a seat and somebody will come to take your order in a sec" said the woman behind the counter

I nodded my head and went to take a seat at a table for two off to the side and untouched by anybody. As I sat there, I looked over the menu they had above the bar, and figured out just what exactly I wanted to order.

"Hey there, what can I get for you?" the waitress who came up to me said.

As I turned to face them, as soon as my eyes locked with theirs, mine widened as I said "Kanon? Is that you?"

She looked at me for a moment and said "That's right, do I know you from somewhere?"

Her eyes widened as she said "Y/n? I haven't seen you since we graduated middle school."

"It really has been a bit. I didn't expect to see you with a part-time job here." I said

"Nope, my family actually owns this cafe, and so I help out sometimes." Kanon said

"Nice. So did you end up getting into the music program at Yuigaoka like I would hear you talking about?" I said. I used to hear Kanon playing her guitar up on the roof back in middle school, and I really believed she could make it in, I mean she was amazing, and she knew what she wanted unlike me.

She shook her head and said "Unfortunately I didn't, but in the end I've ended up helping create a school idol group with a couple others. We actually just got a fifth member recently."

I felt my smile rise to the corners of my lips as I said "Awesome, I'm glad that despite the setback you didn't let it stop you. And seriously, you gotta tell me the next time you have a performance so I can see you girls and cheer you on."

Kanon nodded her head and said "Sure Y/n. So have you joined any clubs? If I remember correctly you used to spend club hours helping whatever club needed to move things that day."

I shrugged as I said "That's because the only thing I've got going for me is a sturdy frame so I figured I'd just see how I could help with the one thing I have going for me. I've tried a couple clubs this year, but I haven't really stuck around since nothing particularly hit me." None of them gave me the spark of excitement I've been looking for, no matter how hard I look

"I see, well I'm sure you'll find something." Kanon said, smiling softly.

"Thanks. Ah- order! Sorry to take your time like that, you only came to get my order but I ended up forcing you to catch up with me." I said. I don't want to get in her way if she's on the job, so I guess we ought to end this conversation.

Kanon smiled and said "It's fine Y/n, after I took care of your table I was gonna head up to my room anyways. So what were you going to order?"

I gave her my order, and she left, saying she'd bring it to me once it was ready, and I couldn't help but glance behind the bar where she was. Back in middle school, I always saw Kanon as somebody who knew what she wanted. I admired that about her, and I wanted to cheer her on, and seeing her now, those feelings haven't changed, but now, seeing her and knowing she's enjoying the path she's on motivates me all the more to find my own.

After a couple minutes, Kanon came and delivered my order before she said "Here you go Y/n."

"Right, thanks Kanon." I said. I then paused for a moment before I said "Hey, I'm sorry if this is weird, but I'd really like to talk to you again sometime, and since it took six months to meet again this time, I was wondering if maybe we could trade contact information so that it'd be easier to talk again sometime soon."

Kanon smiled and said "Huh? I mean I guess that makes sense. Sure, talking to you again would be nice."

Kanon and I pulled out our phones and traded contact information before she left to head upstairs, leaving me to enjoy my order. Seeing her again makes me want to try and find where my passion lies and hopefully once I have, I'll be able to tell Kanon just what that is.


Kanon's Perspective

As I headed up to my room, I couldn't help but smile as I looked at my phone, where I had just put Y/n's number. Back in Middle School, while we never really spoke the most, I couldn't help but notice Y/n, and all he did for people. He always acted as somebody open to anybody who needed his help or wanted to talk to him despite more often than not, going to be by himself whenever he was free, and while I feel like for a chunk of our class he was somebody in the background they didn't think about, for me I always noticed him and those little things about him. And now I may get a chance to actually talk to him more and see what he's like. As I laid down and got to work taking Keke's lyrics to create a song, I noticed that whenever I thought of Y/n, I couldn't help but feel excited for our next meeting.


A/n: I gotta admit, I feel a bit off my game since I don't have as much extra material for this fic than with my other Love Live ones to help guide how I write Kanon's dialogue, but I'm still gonna do my best with this and try to make something for you all to enjoy. I just hope you all will stick around from here on despite that.

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