Chapter 4 - The Heart's Doubts

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Two Months Later...

After a sleepy day of school, I let out a yawn as I head to a park near Kanon's place, trying to push down my out of control imagination. I mean today is Valentine's day, and Kanon asked me to meet her there after all. I know that there's no way that it's anything more than friendship chocolate, but anyone would start to wonder if they were asked to meet like this, right? Not to mention I've never gotten anything more than obligation chocolate in my whole life, but that's not surprising when I go out of my way to help people out.

"C'mon man, just let it go." I said to myself. Me and Kanon are just friends and there's nothing more to it than that. Maybe I'm even lonelier than I thought if I started to have fantasies of getting confessed to, but I would prefer to just think that this kind of thing is normal, especially when the people around me are starting to hook up... Crap, I'm doing it again! Come on Y/n, just relax...

I slapped my cheeks, momentarily forgetting when I saw Kanon enter my field of vision. I raise a hand, and say "Hey." For some reason as I try to speak, my words get caught in my throat, and I leave it at that.

As Kanon turns to face me, I see a slight blush on her face, and she says "Ah, hey Y/n. You're here a bit earlier than I expected."

"I was already in the area when I got your text." I say, trying to stifle another yawn. This isn't the time for that after all.

"I guess you're a little tired, huh?" Kanon said

"Eh, a little. After the scramble with the last exams, I've been going to bed a little later so I can get some studying in." I said. Hearing that Kanon and Liella got second place in Love Live and are still working hard, while I still haven't figured out what I want to do, it made me realize just how big the gap is between us. I hate that gap, and I feel this intense hole in my heart, as I can't help but wonder that as Kanon pursues her passions, that somebody like me who still hasn't found anything, might end up being forgotten or left behind. I need to work harder, that way I can try to alleviate that fear.

"Oh really? Well don't work yourself too hard, alright?" Kanon said, smiling softly as she looked at me. Looking at her, I couldn't help but smile back

"I'll try." I replied before I said "So hey, how come you asked me to meet up here?"

"Right. The truth is I wanted to give you this. I mean it's not like we go to the same school so I couldn't give it to you there." Kanon said before she held out a box she had been holding behind her. It was a simple red box with an orange ribbon on it. "Y/n, we don't always get to see each other, but still, I'm happy you're here, and I just want you to know that I'm here for you.

As I took it, I smiled and said "Thanks Kanon." The pounding in my heart as I heard those words, and the warmth in my heart... I really am glad that I've ended up as Kanon's friend, and maybe someday I'll be able to stand beside her. I mean considering how I am, there's no certainty, but still...

Kanon and I spent a while longer talking together, but eventually the two of us headed our separate ways. As I headed home, I took another look at the box of chocolates that she had given me. I had kind of expected that to be the reason why she called me there, but still, receiving it makes me happy. I opened up the box and looked at the chocolate inside, and while I'm not particularly knowledgeable about this kind of thing, looking at the slightly asymmetrical chocolates inside, I couldn't help but wonder if these were hand made or something. Nah, there's no way. I mean unless it's because she had extra handmade, I doubt it. There's no way anybody would go out of their way to make handmade stuff for somebody like me. Taking a bite of one of the pieces, the main thoughts running through my head despite the flavor was that if I wanna make sure I don't end up left behind, I need to work harder, and find out who I am, until then I need to hold back on the slacking off.


Kanon's Perspective

After Y/n and I decided to part ways, I let out a small sigh as I headed home. Today, alongside giving him my chocolate, I was hoping to tell him how I feel about him, how I've ended up falling for him, and how I wanted to be with him. But hearing him talk about how hard he's trying to find where his passion lies, and how much he's pushing himself, and remembering how much it's seemed like it weighed on him, I couldn't help but think that maybe now isn't the time. Once he's found it and he's happy with himself, then I can see if he feels the same way towards me that I do him. Until then I'll just support him and be there for him. I just hope that he'll go easier on himself.


A/n: Noticing the day that approached I ended up deciding to go with this plot rather than my previous plan, and as a bonus this has the same function in the story too.

I'm so sorry for all the delays, but things are kind of hectic in my personal life right now. But I swear I'm gonna get more out real soon, and I really hope you'll stick around for it.

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