Chapter 6 - Slowing Down

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As I walked under the cherry blossoms that were in full bloom, I was side by side with Kanon. After collapsing like that, I ended up spending that weekend resting up, and after realizing the cherry blossoms would be blooming soon, we came up with the idea to wait a little bit and have our first date be a bit of cherry blossom viewing for just the two of us. I mean with a view like this with someone as beautiful as Kanon, a picnic sounds like a good time to me. And with Kanon having done the cooking, I'm looking forward to tasting her food since I haven't really had an opportunity to try her cooking before.

Walking through the park, the place was more crowded than I expected, but honestly less than I should have considering it's the weekend and the start of the one week window for this kind of thing. Eventually we found a spot, and as we approached, Kanon said "Oh, I just realized I forgot to pack anything to drink. If you don't mind setting up, I'll go grab something from the vending machines."

"Sounds like a plan to me" I said, nodding to her, before she left.

Before I set up, I stretched out some before putting the bag down and pulling out the blanket she had put in there.

I laid it out as I heard a voice behind me say "L/n, is that you? So you're here to do a viewing too, huh?"

I turned to see who it was, only to see it was one of the girls from my class, standing beside her friend. I haven't really talked to her much, so I don't know her name, but I returned a nod and said "That's right, they're getting drinks right now, but I actually came with someone."

"Oh yeah? Well if you want, you two can join me and my friends. We'd love the company." She said, taking a hold of arm as she tried to pull me along.

I didn't budge, and said "Sorry, but I'm good with just the two of us."

"Huh? Who is it that you even came with anyway? Come on, join us" She said in a cheerful tone, pulling a bit harder. I guess she really just doesn't want to take no for an answer, huh?

I was about to repeat myself and hopefully drill the point home, but as I opened my mouth, I felt somebody hug my other arm, and turned to see that it was Kanon, a soft blush on her face as she said "I'm the one he came with, and the two of us would rather it just be the two of us." I'm so grateful she got here when she did.

The girl let go, wide-eyed as she said "Huh? I-I'm sorry to interrupt your date!" She then quickly left with her friend. I guess her tone changed quickly after realizing why exactly I was here.

"Thanks for that, it was harder to make her give up than I expected." I said, smiling

"It's alright" Kanon said before with an embarrassed expression before adding "It's just that seeing her holding onto you like that, bothered me.."

Huh? She got jealous? I never pictured Kanon as the type, but that idea along with the bashful expression on her face is super cute. I chuckled slightly as I said "Well I gotta say, you definitely made her realize what was going on, that's for sure."

Me and Kanon took a seat on the blanket beside each other, and I put my arm over her shoulder, enjoying the view with her. I've been pushing myself so much this past year, so just relaxing some and taking a deep breath like this is relaxing. I'm not giving up, but I also can't just have tunnel vision like I had. Being beside Kanon has helped me realize that. I barely even realized that I'd been holding onto feelings for her until minutes before she confessed because of it, and I'd consider that I had that level of lacking self-awareness pretty stupid.

After we enjoyed the view for a while, we decided to eat, with Kanon opening the box she put lunch in, with some sandwiches among other things being in there.

"Looks great." I said as I looked "I've been hoping to taste your personal cooking sometime soon. After all, all I've had before this was the chocolate you made for me for Valentine's."

"It's nothing that special but I hope you'll enjoy it." Kanon said

I picked up one of the sandwiches and took a bite before I said "Yep, it's good, just like I thought it'd be."

Kanon had a small smile on her face as she said "Come on, it's just a sandwich, it's not that hard to make them good."

"Doesn't change the fact that I like your cooking. I mean all things considered, I'm not exactly good at it." I said

After we ate, I said "You know, it's weird to think that we're gonna be second years soon."

Kanon nodded her head and said "Yeah, a little. But I'm really looking forward to the year ahead too."

"I gotta say, it's gonna be nice to not be the kouhai all the time too." I said "I'll at least be the senpai to some people now."

Kanon smiled as she said "That's true, I'm looking forward to finding out what my kouhai are like."

"Thinking about it, I can't help but wonder if there are any I'm gonna get along with or gel with." I said "But I can't deny that just like you, I'm looking forward to finding out what they're like."

As for Kanon, I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the year there aren't more members of Liella. After, with Kanon's passion and that open heart of hers, I'm sure she'll win the love of quite a few. Kanon's quite an amazing girl with plenty of great things about her after all, and I'm lucky to have ended up with her as my girlfriend.


A/n: I gotta admit, I had an easier time writing this chapter than I have with a chapter for a bit now. But I guess that's thanks to a friend of mine giving me a boost of motivation that helped me come up with some ideas I really am glad I worked in.

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