Chapter 1 - An Afternoon Meeting

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Two Weeks Later...

As I walked towards the place where I agreed to meet up with Kanon, I bobbed my head to the music that had been playing in my headphones, subconsciously walking to the beat. It's from a game I've been playing recently and I've had it stuck in my head recently. Thinking about this is a nice distraction than the annoyance I experienced when I was given a career survey at school today. I've been trying to figure out exactly that, but I still don't have anything. I mean considering my hobbies I doubt I can make a career out of it with my level of charisma.

Still, today ought to be a good day. After texting with Kanon recently she suggested we meet up today since we haven't really spoken in person since our encounter at her family's cafe.

As I reached my destination, I saw there was a takoyaki stand in front of me, and standing in front of it was a head of orange hair, and as I walked over, I raised a hand and said "Sup Kanon."

She turned to face me, and smiled at my approach and said "Hey Y/n, come here."

I nodded my head and headed over, not bothering to put much thought into it. As I reached her, I said "So what's up exactly?"

"It really is you, Y/n." said the person running the takoyaki stand and as I looked to see who exactly it was, my eyes widened slightly as I said "Chisato Arashi, right?" Considering these two's friendship even from what I saw back in middle school it's no wonder she wanted me to meet her.

"That's right. I was a little surprised when Kanon told me that she'd been texting you but here we are." Chisato said

"Hey Y/n, is something up? You seem kind of tense compared to last time." Kanon said

I waved my hand and said "Ah, it's nothing. There was just a career survey at school and I didn't really have a good answer for it."

"You didn't? Do you really not have any ideas for that?" Chisato asked

I let out a small sigh, realizing this conversation was happening since I didn't want to make them start to imagine something worse than it is. "None. I just haven't really found anything I'm passionate about so I just wrote down mathematician to have something on the page."

"What about your hobbies? Aren't you passionate about those?" Kanon asked

I shrugged and said "I mean yeah, I love playing video games, but it's not like I could reasonably make a hobby out of it. Still, I'm gonna keep looking for something that strikes me as something I wanna spend the rest of my life doing, like how music is for you two."

Kanon smiled at me and said "I'm sure you'll find something Y/n."

"Alright, now anyways, I wanted to hear more about the idol group you two are in. Liella, right?" I said, smiling as we moved the conversation elsewhere.

Kanon and Chisato spent a while telling me more about their idol group, what they're currently doing, telling me what their other members were like, and more. But as we talked, a man with a hand truck approached and said to Chisato "I've got a delivery for you."

As Chisato looked at him, her eyes widened slightly as she said "You do? You're a bit early, I typically get off before you get here to restock."

As I looked at the boxes, I noticed that a couple of those weren't exactly light looking, and feeling like I couldn't just sit here and watch Chisato do all the work, I stretched out and said "Let me get those for you Chisato."

"Huh? You sure?" Chisato said as she looked at me, starting to scoop the boxes up.

"Yeah, of course. It's just like old times for me." I said, picking a third up on my first trip. I've always been decently strong, if not just because of my build, but with a lack of dexterity like I do, I can't really do much with it besides carrying stuff. Still, if I can help people with it, then that's enough for me. I just wish that wasn't all I could do...

Without much difficulty I took the boxes to where Chisato told me, and after finishing up, stretching out and with a yawn said "There you go."

"Thanks Y/n." Chisato said

I shrugged and said "It's nothing, just happy to help."

"You were the exact same way back in middle school, you always were so quick to come in and help if you saw somebody who could use it." Kanon said, smiling

I smile slightly as I say "I just like people, and I can't help but want to help people I see in need." I'm quiet and I like to spend time by myself, sure, but people are interesting and even if it's just on a surface level, I like to watch and see the paths they go down.

After we talked for a while longer I got a text from my mom asking me to grab her a missing ingredient for dinner, after seeing I said "Looks like I've gotta get going, but I'll see you around."

"Alright, and if you end up figuring anything out about your passion, I'd be happy to hear it Y/n." Kanon said

"Sure thing. Worse case scenario if I don't find anything I can just go with mathematician like I wrote down, and if that also doesn't work then I'll go for my second choice." I said

"What is your second choice?" Kanon asked

"I dunno. Ruthless conqueror sounds good though." I said jokingly, smiling slightly "Anyways, peace."

After that I started to head off to grab what my mom needed, in a better mood after spending some time with Kanon and Chisato, even if I wonder if my joke there was any good.


Kanon's Perspective

As we watched Y/n leave, Chisato said "I guess he really hasn't changed much, he's the same guy as back then."

"Right? I can tell he's working harder than before, trying to find something he wants to do, but I'm glad that hasn't changed who he is." I said

"You know, besides being in the same class as him, we never really interacted much. I probably wouldn't have even remembered him if you didn't like him so much" Chisato commented

"Why wouldn't I like him? He's a nice guy and hopefully me and him can become friends now unlike back then." I said

"That's not what I meant..." Chisato said


"Nothing." Chisato said, brushing it off.

From there, as Chisato got off of work we talked about our ideas for Liella's next performance, figuring we'd tell the others our ideas tomorrow. Still, as we walked, I could feel my mood being even better as I thought of Y/n.


A/n: Sorry I didn't get this out last night, some stuff happened that was messing with my head, and because of it, I wasn't happy with the end result I reached

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