Interlude - Facing Oneself

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As I sat in my room, I looked at the box I had laid on my desk, and I let out a small sigh. One week ago was the day Kanon was supposed to leave for Vienna, and I had been planning to give her one last gift before she left, and so I had gone to her family's cafe to give it. However, after I got there, I found her looking over a letter that she had apparently only received, and only found out about that same day from a girl named Wien Margarete. It turned out that in the end she won't be able to study abroad in Vienna.

She filled me in on everything, and I tried to support her to comfort her through her disappointment at least a little bit, but in the end I couldn't help feeling conflicted inside, and disappointment in myself about it.

Kanon's chance to work towards her passions abroad were lost, but I couldn't help but feel slightly relieved. Relieved that our relationship wouldn't end up going long distance, and that I wouldn't have to say goodbye to her, how selfish is that? I felt so mad at myself and while I did my best to hide it, I still can't get over that frustration.

I leaned back on my bed and decided I may as well take a nap, not feeling like going out or doing anything today, and after I closed my eyes, it seemed like only seconds later that I had opened them to the sound of my door opening. Feeling a little bit of drool on the corner of my lips, I realized that I really did doze off even if it didn't feel like it, and hurriedly wiped it off as I saw the person coming in was Kanon.

"Kanon? What are you doing here?" I asked as I sat up

"The way you were acting yesterday, it reminded me of how you were before our first White Day together, and I wanted to see if something was wrong." Kanon said

I gave her a forced smile and said "Ah, I'm fine, don't worry about it."

Kanon took a seat on my bed beside me and placed her hand on mine and said "Y/n, please don't feel like you need to hide anything, alright? I know with everything going on I haven't been myself lately, but I still will be there for you."

I wrapped my hands around hers and squeezed slightly as I said "I'm just frustrated at myself a little, I'll be fine, I promise." I then tried to guide the conversation elsewhere as I said "By the way, could you grab the box on my desk? It's for you."

Kanon nodded and reached over to grab it, holding it as she said "What is it?"

"Well I was planning to give it to you before your flight, but after what happened I just couldn't find the chance. I thought that while I gave you the first thing I made, I wanted to give you a better necklace compared to that." I explained

Kanon opened the box and found inside was a silver, heart shaped locket, and after opening it, found on one side was a picture of me and the other girls in Liella while on the other was a picture of her family. "Y/n, I love it." Kanon said, smiling at it

"I'm not a super multi-talented person so in the end I can only give you things like this, but I still wanted to give you something that showed how much I loved you, and the people who were going to be waiting for you back home." I said

Kanon gave me a kiss after putting it on and said "Thank you Y/n, it's beautiful." She then leaned against me and said "As much as I was disappointed to not get to study there, I was so nervous, and because of it, when I saw I wouldn't be going, there was a part of me that was relieved to get to stay here..."

My eyes widened as I hear what she said and pulled her close as I leaned against her. "Truth be told, I've been feeling guilty about that, that I was relieved you weren't leaving. In the end I still can't be happy with how I felt, but good or bad, those feelings were a part of me. And while I know it's unrealistic, I don't want to be apart from you."

"So that's what's been bothering you" Kanon said as gave me a small smile as we cuddled beside each other on the side of my bed, both of us feeling a little bit better now that we've finally let those feelings out rather than keeping them bottled up.

In the end was scared of the change even if I thought I had accepted it, and I guess Kanon felt the same way. I was holding myself to too high of a standard again, despite promising myself that I would go easier on myself, if not for just her. I wish I could just wipe away my own frustration and the disappointment Kanon's been dealing with, but in the end, all we can do is keep moving forward hand in hand, together.


A/n: In the end I wrote the last chapter as something I'd thought would be a sweet moment, and while I wanted to write the aftermath then, I was struggling with how to write it without taking away from the scene preceding it. I'm not exactly sure with the answer I came up with so that I could feature the aftermath of that, but I hope you enjoyed it at the very least

Now, from here on out this is written before the season 3 comes out so I have zero clue if what I write in the final chapters will conflict with what comes after, but still, I hope you'll enjoy what's to come.

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