Chapter 11 - Vows of Eternal Love

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Two Years Later...

On a clear spring day after finishing to get ready for what's ahead of me, I can't help but pace in my dressing room, with today being the day I marry Kanon, my nerves having left me in a state where I can't seem to sit still. I mean, I'm happy about what's ahead, knowing with all my heart that I want to spend the rest of my life with her, but I also can't help but feel nervous about it today.

As I looked at the clock hanging from the wall, I noticed that the ceremony was slowly approaching, and decide that rather than just stay in here and let my thoughts drive me crazy, I may as well head out now rather than later, straightening my posture and taking one more deep breath before heading to where the ceremony will take place, heading to wait at the altar as I notice me and Kanon's friends and loved ones slowly finding their way to their seats. After me and Kanon first officially announced our engagement, they were so supportive of us and I'm glad that they managed to make it.

As I stood at the altar, I took another deep breath as I watched people find their way to their seats and the time for the wedding slowly came closer.

Once the ceremony began, I stood at the altar waiting to see my bride in her wedding dress for the first time. I've been really looking forward to that sight, because I know for sure that a beauty like Kanon will look amazing. The organs began to play, and I could feel my excitement and nervousness both flare up in anticipation.

It was only a moment later that the doors to the room opened and I saw Kanon in her wedding dress, walked down the aisle by her father. In her hands she held a bouquet, and I felt my breath escape me as I was completely blown away by the sight in front of me. She looks absolutely gorgeous, and I can feel my nerves ebb away with every step she takes.

She soon reached the altar, and as she stopped in front of me, our eyes meeting, I couldn't help but smile. Today is the day that we take the next step of our relationship into the future, and I couldn't be any happier about it.

Moments later, the officiant began to speak "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Y/n L/n and Kanon Shibuya in holy matrimony. We will now begin: Kanon Shibuya, do you take this man to be your husband, to love through good times and bad, through sickness and health, as long as you both shall live?"

I saw Kanon's expression light up a little as she said with a smile "I do."

The officiant continued as he then said "And you Y/n L/n, do you take this woman to be your wife, to love through good times and bad, through sickness and health, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." I responded almost immediately. I feel with every ounce of my heart that Kanon is the one, and that I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I've been waiting to say that for so long.

The officiant then nodded as he said "Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now seal your vows with a kiss."

Kanon and I both took a step forward, and as I took a hold of her hands, we both leaned forward, our lips meeting in a kiss, our union and promise to love each other for the rest of our lives now engraved deep into my heart.

After our lips parted, I slid the wedding ring onto her finger, and she tossed the bouquet out into the crowd, only for it to be caught by one of her friends that she met back at Yuigaoka. I then intertwine my hand with hers once again before we walk down the aisle together, side by side with our hearts filled with excitement for where our lives will go from here, together.


That night, the reception was really fun, but in the end we were both thankful to be able to have a moment for just the two of us on the veranda. After all, in addition to barely having a moment for just the two of us since the ceremony, with two introverts in the center of attention, it's nice to have a second for just us.

"This has been so perfect Y/n, I'm so happy we finally have done it." Kanon said, smiling as she leaned against me.

"Agreed, I'm so happy that at long last we took this step. And it feels so right to be able to say that you're my beautiful wife" I responded, wrapping my arm around her shoulder

As I looked out at the starry sky with Kanon, I couldn't help but smile. In my beside Kanon, I started to realize how important it is to slow down sometimes and just listen to my heart, and through all of that, there's nothing I've been sure of with all my being as much as the fact that I want to stand beside Kanon and love her for the rest of my life.


A/n: And with that, our story comes to an end. Despite a slower release pace than usual, I loved writing this fic and I'm actually pretty happy with it. With Liella I got the chance to have more than one years worth of canon to intersect with, which I'm happy gave me more time to play around with. Still, the final worth of this story is all up to you folks who read it all the way through, and I really hope you enjoyed it. For now though, I'll leave things here with one last message: thank you all for reading and supporting this fic, and I hope you'll enjoy whatever I write next too.

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