Chapter 5 - Realizations Found Within Silence

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One Month Later...

As I headed to where Kanon and I were meeting, I felt exhausted and my head was pounding, but that's not surprising with how much trouble I was having falling asleep last night, and paired with how today is surprisingly chilly for March it meant that I felt particularly. Still, I don't want to cause Kanon any worry, and so I can't let my problems show. Because of that I would just meet up with her another day, but I want to pay her back for the Valentine's gift on White Day itself rather than later.

Over this past month I've been putting more work into things to make sure I won't someday be left behind, hoping to alleviate those fears by reading all sorts of topics to see if anything clicked and doing all sorts of activities for the same reason, but as much as I try, I haven't found anything that gives me that feeling I'm looking for. It's so frustrating and I even decided to push even more this past week, otherwise, I could end up making a stupid decision, and just end up leading me to some fate where I'm miserable, right?

As I got to the corner by Kanon's place, I realized that I was definitely early compared to the time I asked her to meet me, but standing there and waiting for the time isn't too big of a deal, right?

Or at least that's what I thought, but earlier than expected, I saw Kanon heading my way. I smiled at her and waved with my free hand, and said "Hey Kanon."

"Hey Y/n. I guess we both ended up heading here to meet early, huh?" Kanon said, blushing slightly

"Yeah, I guess so." I said, a small grin forming on my face. You know, while I've given white day gifts in the past, something about giving it to Kanon felt different. I mean it's just some cookies as that's the usual gift for friends, but still. "So hey, I wanted to give you these Kanon. As thanks for Valentines, and as thanks for supporting me like you do."

Kanon took the bag from my outreached hand and smiled as she said "Thanks Y/n, I'll make sure to enjoy them."

I nodded my head, and as I was about to speak, my already tired body was hit by a wave of exhaustion. I get I've been working harder lately, but it shouldn't be that big of a deal, right? I just need to hold on until me and Kanon split up and I'll try to rest a bit, I just need to avoid worrying her for now.

"I hope you'll enjoy it." I said, smiling for her

"Hey, do you wanna come in for some coffee or something?" She asked, smiling softly "I was thinking we could spend some more time together."

"I'd love to, but I actually have something I need to do at home, so I'll have to pass." I said, trying to push past how my body felt.

"Ah, alright, maybe some other time then" Kanon said, seeming a bit disappointed

"Yeah, of course. Now I'm gonna head off, call you later, Kanon." I said. She nodded and as I turned away I thought I was gonna be able to hide how truly awful I felt from Kanon, however, just as suddenly as when I realized how bad my condition was, I felt my body lose strength, and in an instant, the world ended up pitch black.


The next thing I knew, I was looking up at a familiar ceiling in a daze, feeling my head resting against something soft, and not too long after I woke up, Kanon leaned over me and said "You're awake!" I guess right now I'm in her lap for some reason, but looking at her face, it seemed a little flush, has she been crying? Thinking about that made my chest hurt with regret. I didn't want to cause her any worry, but I think I might've caused something worse...

"Yeah, so what exactly happened?" I said, trying to sit up, just barely managing to. I was in the cafe that Kanon's family runs, the place empty besides me and Kanon.

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